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UEH Standard Programs

The Corporate Accountingprogram belongs to the Accounting major, providing in-depth knowledge of accounting in accordance with Vietnamese regulations and international practices, knowledge of corporate governance on the basis of applying accounting information and knowledge. supplementary forms related to economics, administration, finance and taxation so that learners have many different career options, in many types of organizations in society. With the philosophy of liberal arts education, the program is designed with a balance between knowledge, skills and attitudes, between theory and practice to help learners after graduation become high-quality accounting personnel. comprehensively fostered communication capacity in the working environment using English, critical thinking ability, ability to develop strategies, manage and solve practical problems arising related to the operation. accounting at the micro level. The core objective of the training program is to instill a passion for learners to continue studying and researching in the accounting profession, with a sense of respect for professional ethics, and the ability to develop careers in the country. , or the Asian region in the process of Vietnam's international labor integration.


1. Knowledge:
  • Understanding of political environment, business environment, legal system and having background knowledge related to administration, finance, tax, to solve real business situations.
  • Understand strategic management in the organization to explain the current financial situation and direction for the future.
  • Creatively applying knowledge of financial accounting, management accounting, auditing and financial management to be able to manage financial resources in the unit.
  • Design measurement models, evaluate performance performance for decision making and sustainable development goals of the unit.
  • Analyze and design internal control system, manage business risks, financial risks and ensure the safety of accounting information in the unit.
  • Apply financial statement preparation and analysis techniques according to Vietnamese accounting standards and international financial reporting standards for public and private sector entities.
  • Apply information technology to organize the accounting information system and analyze accounting data to provide information for managers to make decisions.
  • Organization of accounting work at different levels of operating sectors in the economy.

2. Skills:

  • Solve business problems and accounting situations arising in reality, and can make decisions when necessary.
  • Research, think critically to analyze problems in a scientific way, thereby finding the most reasonable or creative solution to the problem.
  • Effective written presentation and business communication.
  • Teamwork is demonstrated through the ability to influence, negotiate and cooperate among team members.
  • Lead, create jobs for yourself and others to work together effectively.
  • Fluently use foreign languages at level 4/6 of Vietnam's foreign language competency framework to be able to communicate in an internationally integrated business environment and access international accounting knowledge.

3. Level of autonomy and responsibility:

  • Respect professional ethics, social differences and comply with the provisions of law, of the working unit.
  • Plan work, evaluate and continuously improve performance, protect individual's professional conclusions.
  • Cooperate in work with associates and have a sense of personal responsibility and collective responsibility.
  • Forming attitudes and capacity for lifelong learning.

In addition to the above output standards, graduates meet the output standards of foreign language ability, informatics, physical education, and defense education as follows:

  • Having foreign language ability level 3/6 Vietnam's Foreign Language Competency Framework, reaching TOEIC 500
  • Obtained IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification)
  • Obtain a Certificate of Physical Education
  • Obtain a certificate of National Defense Education
  • Graduates can work in enterprises of different economic sectors, administrative and non-business units, banks and credit institutions, independent auditing firms, auditing agencies. State accounting, accounting and auditing state management agencies, research institutes and accounting and auditing training institutions.
  • Graduates can take up the following positions as accountants or in charge of accounting at accounting units, audit assistants, internal control staff, accounting information systems analysts; lecturers at accounting and auditing training institutions, researchers at accounting and auditing research institutes