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UEH Standard Programs


The Cruise Management program is part of the Tourism and Travel Service Management program. Work capacity comes from understanding, thinking capacity and practice. The key point for the future travel manager is to understand that he is facing overwhelming price competition and the product availability of online agencies (OTAs) in terms of media as well. as a tourist attraction. Therefore, it is necessary to be proficient in online merchandising, to diagnose the market reaction quickly to make quick decisions, and to be good at local operations. The goal of training is to train students for survival, how to react quickly, to master the situation with high impact tactics, and to master lean organization.



1. Knowledge:
  • Planning and organizing: Accurately estimate the length and difficulty of tasks and projects, set clear goals and measures. Figure out the processes and means to get things done: use and establish effective work methods, organize people and activities, and combine tasks to get the most out of minimal resources than.
  • Client service orientation: Helping or serving others (individuals and businesses) to meet their needs. Customer service orientation focuses on discovering customer needs and finding the best way to meet them. At the same time, know how to identify opportunities and plan actions to build sustainable relationships with strategic partners to achieve business goals.
  • Analytical and critical thinking: Know how to think systems, identify pros and cons, break down problems, set priorities, analyze to build strategies and translate them into actions.
  • Effective Operation: Set up operating procedures in the direction of optimal operation; standardize and systematize the work of functional departments in order to optimize the operating model of the organization.

2. Skills:

  • Negotiation and persuasiveness: Knowing to find options and alternatives to achieve results with the support and acceptance of all parties.
  • Anticipation: knowing how to identify and relate problems to each other to draw conclusions and translate them into actions to respond to situations or solve problems in the short term.
  • Follow (Follow up): track work, tasks or projects; review, ensuring that the individual's skills, knowledge, and experience match the characteristics of the task or project.
  • Professional problem solving: The ability to identify and identify core problems; uses technology, applying modern quantitative and qualitative problem-solving tools to provide innovative solutions to all problems in business and society.

3. Level of autonomy and responsibility:

  • Reasoning (Reasoning): Arguing with reason, countering firmly
  • Courageous: Courage to face difficulties and challenges
  • Having a will (Conviction): The will to be determined to do it to the end
  • Decisive: Decisive, decisive

In addition to the above output standards, graduates meet the output standards of foreign language ability, informatics, physical education, and defense education as follows:

  • Having foreign language ability level 3/6 Vietnam's Foreign Language Competency Framework, reaching TOEIC 500
  • Obtained IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification)
  • Obtain a Certificate of Physical Education
  • Obtain a certificate of National Defense Education
  • Graduates have the ability to work at independent auditing companies or State audit agencies, enterprises with internal audit departments, State management agencies in accounting and auditing. maths; accounting and auditing research institutes or teaching at accounting and auditing training institutions.
  • Graduates can take up the following positions: audit assistant or auditor who examines and gives an opinion on the financial statements of organizations prepared according to the Vietnamese accounting standard system /international, operational audit, compliance audit, investigative audit; internal auditors inspect, evaluate and advise on internal control systems in organizations; auditors in state audit agencies; lecturers at accounting and auditing training institutions; Researcher in accounting and auditing research institutes.