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UEH Standard Programs


The Program in Event and Entertainment Services Management belongs to the Hospitality Management major. An event and entertainment service manager needs to have the key competencies of creativity and imagination with the goal of creating a unique experience for attendees. To be successful in the marketplace, resource management and operational organization are also prerequisites. In addition, professional competencies such as judgment, initiative and ability to withstand pressure also need to be fostered. With the rapid development of the industry and the complex evolution of the industry, the practice of adapting to all circumstances and daring to face challenges helps future managers to break through the old limits.

1. Knowledge
  • Planning and Organizing: Knowing how to define goals, use available resources, set out detailed plans, apply formulas to coordinate them, and then organize a roadmap to execute in a way. feasible to achieve the stated goal.
  • Resource Allocation – Know how to use resources wisely and within the budget allocated in order of priority.
  • Teamwork & Collaboration: know how to recruit and develop intercultural teams; setting goals, guiding, evaluating and rewarding work performance; Align resources and processes to support priority activities.
  • Innovation & imagination: Knowing how to use a variety of sources to get ideas and inspiration, connect and create, explore many layers of thought and diversify perspectives, thereby evaluating new ideas. Options and objectives are selected based on the importance and significance of the findings.

2. Skills:

  • Time Management: Know how to effectively manage time and resources in order of priority to ensure that work is completed efficiently.
  • Proactive: proactively understanding and approaching change in a positive way, voluntarily searching for potential solutions and problem solving ideas.
  • Stress Tolerance: maintaining consistent performance under high pressure or in the face of conflict, handle stress professionally and effectively.
  • Anticipation: knowing how to identify and relate problems to each other to draw conclusions and translate them into actions to respond to situations or solve problems in the short term.

3. Level of autonomy and responsibility:

  • Overcoming adversity: having the will to overcome adversity to improve yourself
  • Venturesome: willing to take risks.
  • Flexibility (Adaptability): can change or adapt easily in many situations and with many different objects.

In addition to the above output standards, graduates meet the output standards of foreign language ability, informatics, physical education, and defense education as follows:

  • Having foreign language ability level 3/6 Vietnam's Foreign Language Competency Framework, reaching TOEIC 500
  • Obtained IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification)
  • Obtain a Certificate of Physical Education
  • Obtain a certificate of National Defense Education
  • Employee or supervisor positions (Executive or Leader/Supervisor):

  • Cultural tourism event project plan

  • Event management

  • Organization of entertainment services

  • Experience Creation

  • Entertainment program consultation

  • Sale of events and entertainment services

  • Exploiting grants