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UEH Standard Programs


The Logistics and Supply Chain Management program helps ensure that learners understand the body of knowledge needed to effectively manage and operate supply chains in the manufacturing and service sectors in a global business environment. Demand is always changing. The knowledge block from Logistics & Supply Chain Management is designed with a focus on strategy building, decision making, problem solving and technology management to meet the unique requirements of the Logistics & Management sector. supply chain management as well as their influence and interaction on other areas of the business such as marketing, foreign trade, finance, accounting, etc. Graduates from the Department will have skills in operating logistics systems. , logistics, supplies; monitoring and controlling the efficiency of Logistics and supply chain operations; as well as develop optimized solutions in Logistics & supply chain management of any type of business. Students are fully fostered the ability to adapt to the change of the complex supply chain environment, the ability to self-study and self-create solutions to improve supply chain and logistics activities to help meet the needs of customers. opportunities to work at Logistics enterprises, multinational corporations and government organizations in the field of Logistics & Supply Chain Management, import-export enterprises, banks, Logistics enterprises as well as working in Vietnam. United Nations and government organizations in the field of international trade.



1. Knowledge:
  • Synthesize an overview of the field of Logistics - Supply chain management: supply chain operating environment, global supply chain management strategies, relationships between supply chain partners, management supply chain risks.
  • Systematize and practice applying knowledge about planning, organizing and monitoring intensive operational processes in the Logistics and Supply Chain Management industries such as: marketing throughout the supply chain, forecasting, supply management, distribution, production and service operations, logistics and international transportation... helps to analyze, evaluate and apply learned knowledge into strategic management and propose solutions to improve capacity power to operate logistics and supply chain components at any business or organization in a domestic and international business environment.
  • Building connections between knowledge blocks in social sciences, political science and law, national security and defense to help solve problems arising in the field of supply chain and logistics in Vietnam and internationally. .
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and practice knowledge of information technology systems for professional use, including knowledge of customs declaration system, warehouse management, sales; enterprise resource management system in supply chain management (ERP), effective screening and exploitation of big data (Big Data), data digitization and solution deployment tools...
  • Applying the basic knowledge of the economic sector to create a solid foundation in theory, methodology and research, logical thinking, basic knowledge of management thinking, planning, organization, assessment. price; thereby applying fundamental knowledge in a wide range of fields to the expertise of supply chain operations management.
  • Synthesize a block of practical knowledge from the corporate culture environment and the process of implementing and connecting actual logistics and supply chain activities in Vietnam.

2. Skills:

  • Improve practical problem-solving skills, including: problem identification, multi-source data search, problem analysis, forecasting, planning, implementation, evaluation, and solution search. alternative methods, risk management; use IT software to support problem solving in Logistics & Supply Chain Management industry such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Projects, Microsoft PowerPoint, ERP, QM for Windows, Solver… for real business situations or projects. Professional in supply chain management, obtained IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification) certificate.
  • Forming entrepreneurial skills, creating jobs for themselves and others through forming a basic entrepreneurial skill set (self-planning for the development of simple LSCM solution ideas) and building relationships networking in professional work.
  • Developing a group of skills in critical thinking and reasoning, including: problem-solving, synthesis and presentation skills; multi-dimensional critical thinking skills and logical reasoning according to the system when approaching and dealing with arising problems;
  • Practicing a group of social skills that serve well for professional work, including: teamwork skills and the ability to form, develop and lead groups; time management skills; skills in building relationships within the organization; ability to comment and receive positive comments; Skill in drafting contracts, synthesizing documents…
  • Building confident communication skills in Vietnamese and English, listening, screening, synthesizing, and communicating skills.
  • Improve skills in using foreign languages (English), achieve TOEIC 550 level for expertise as well as skills in searching, reading and synthesizing English documents from reputable international sources.

3. Level of autonomy and responsibility:

  • Forming the ability to adapt and manage change effectively when working independently and in the community, knowing how to adapt to changes in the development of goals and business environment, self-planning for development Developing business ideas, self-training and developing self-efficacy to meet the new era context.
  • Improve the ability to cooperate and share in a team environment under different roles in changing working conditions, taking individual responsibility and responsibility for the group; recognize the peculiarities in corporate culture and group culture to choose the appropriate method of guidance and supervision; manage individual and collective emotions, resolve group conflicts, as well as link and exploit different workgroups.
  • Develop and maintain a confident, enthusiastic and self-directed attitude, draw professional conclusions and be able to defend personal views and provide effective professional advice.
  • Develop skills and personal ethical qualities and social responsibility such as: keeping credibility and commitment; strictly comply with internal rules and regulations of the State, organizations and enterprises; participate in solving social ethical issues and have professional ethics.
  • Develop the ability to self-study lifelong (lifelong learning), self-study science, improve and renew knowledge, know how to update and apply theoretical

Graduates of Logistics and Supply Chain Management are capable of taking on the following positions:

  • Import and export manager, logistics manager, Logistics analyst or sales manager, distribution director, operations manager..., have been in contact with many partners, from raw material suppliers. materials, transportation, to customers with different service requirements and project nature.
  • Become a Stock Forecast Specialist; Planning and coordinating the sourcing of materials; Production planning; Inventory management; Project manager; Professionals working in warehouses and transportation; Specialist working in the field of import and export; Purchasing Specialist;…. participates in the field of Supply Chain, Logistics of all types of domestic and foreign enterprises.
  • Working locations are also very diverse from large corporations, small businesses