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UEH News



1. Implementing Restructuring Project of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City towards a multidisciplinary and sustainable University in 2021-2030 period and announcing Repositioning Strategy of UEH Brand to domestic and international communities.

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2. Establishing and launching 3 UEH Member Schools: UEH Business School; UEH School of Economics, Law and State Management; UEH School of Technology and Design.

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3. Successfully organizing 45th Anniversary of UEH establishment through a direct and online combination form with an international scale, strongly spreading UEH Brand to domestic and foreign communities. On this occasion, UEH was honored to be awarded First Class Independence Medal by President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This 1st Medal is one of the noblest Orders from State of Vietnam for collectives and individuals with exceptionally outstanding achievements, contributing to national construction and development during 2011-2020 period.

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4. UEH was recognized as 1st economic University to be named in Top 551+ Asian Leading Universities by QS Asia Ranking. Maintaining the 1st position in business and economics schools as well as being in the top 10 Best Universities in Vietnam in accordance with Webometrics Ranking, UEH, as leading in the economics specialization, is in Top 10 of Vietnamese universities in terms of international publication and is the first time to appear in the international ranking of research institutions (SCImago) with 376th place in the list of universities in Asian region.

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5. UEH promotes training, research, community engagement and governance activities for a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH University with projects and programs as follows: “From Research to Societal Impact”, “UEH Global - UEH free online learning system for high-schools”, “UEH Zero Waste Campus”.

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6. Accomplishing important enrollment targets, training and scientific research tasks, creating an important basis and a solid foundation for UEH to deploy breakthrough strategies for 2021-2025 period with a vision to 2030.

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7. UEH – Vinh Long Branch in their 2nd operation year has successfully completed their set targets and tasks. Doubled enrollment scale together with fully-invested facilities help to ensure UEH training quality as well as UEH Vinh Long Branch image and brand to be increasingly affirmed in Mekong Delta region.

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8. Boosting digital transformation and technology application in all UEH activities with products and applications as follows: Electronic Student Card (UEH Student), UEHer Card, UEH Shuttle Bus, E-Office and digital signature application, Wish Tree, upgrading training management system, enrollment portal, digital room, Virtual Convention Center Platform and so on. UEH also launched UEH Studio with the aim of becoming a production center for digital teaching resources and communication products to spread knowledge and information to the community and the society.

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9. Increasing international communication activities regarding UEH brand through successfully organizing “Writing the story of UEH Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University” International Slogan Contest, scholarship programs for international students and so on besides prestigious international seminars and online connection activities with international partners.

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10. In terms of impacts and influences from Covid-19 context, all UEHers and learners actively and proactively deployed quickly and conveniently the online teaching and working model, making an important contribution towards UEH's complete achievement of goals and tasks in 2021 and ensuring lecturers’, officials’ and employees’ life stability as well as actively supporting and accompanying officials’ and learners’ difficulties.

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