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20th Anniversary of the School of Banking, College of Business, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

20th Anniversary of the School of Banking, College of Business, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

On the morning of October 14, 2023, the School of Banking solemnly organized the "20th Anniversary of the School of Banking, College of Business, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City" at Hall B1-302, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong, District 10, HCMC. The celebration gathered generations of the School of Banking to review the 20-year journey of construction and development, as well as joining in the joyful atmosphere to celebrate the event that the University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) officially operates with a multi-disciplinary governance model and a sustainable development orientation for the future.

Attending the celebration, on behalf of UEH, there was the presence of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of UEH Council; Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh – President of UEH; Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thanh Trang - Vice Head of UEH College of Business; Dr. Nguyen Tan Trung - Head of General Department of UEH College of Business.

On behalf of the School of Banking, there was the presence of Dr. Hoang Hai Yen - Dean of the School of Banking; Dr. Phan Chung Thuy - Vice Dean of the School of Banking; Mr. Duong Tan Khoa - Vice Dean of the School of Banking, along with lecturers of the School of Banking; alumni and representatives of students learning at the School of Banking.

Opening the meeting, Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH, on behalf of the UEH Board of Directors, congratulated the contributions and successes of the School of Banking to the development process and orientation of internationalization and sustainable development of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, acknowledged the contributions of the School of Banking and wished the meeting a great success. The Board of Directors also presented the School of Banking with a bouquet of fresh flowers as a reward to the lecturers and students of the School of Banking.

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Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH - delivering the opening speech at the ceremony

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Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH - sending flowers to the School of Banking as a form of congratulation

In response to the guidance and support for the School of Banking from the UEH Board of Directors, Associate Professor, Dr. Tram Thi Xuan Huong represented the lecturers of the School of Banking to send flowers to Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of UEH Council.

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Representative of the School of Banking, Associate Professor, Dr. Tram Thi Xuan Huong giving flowers to Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of UEH Council

Following the program, Dr. Hoang Hai Yen - Head of the School of Banking gave a few words to review some features of the formation and development of the School of Banking during its 20-year journey and sent a message of gratitude to the teachers, as well as a review on strategic development orientations of UEH in general and the School of Banking in particular in the near future.

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Dr. Hoang Hai Yen - Dean of the School of Banking - expressing her gratitude

Representing the UEH Board of Directors, Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH presented gifts and gratitude to the former lecturers who have many years of association with the School of Banking since its first day of establishment and are still directly working at the school who always monitor, accompany and are ready to share and support the school in all activities.

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Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH - presenting gifts and gratitude to former lecturers of the School of Banking

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Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thanh Trang - Vice Head of UEH College of Business - sending a gift and her gratitude to the lecturers in the School of Banking

Mr. Tran Hoang Ngan - former Dean of the School of Banking - who laid one of the first bricks of the School of Banking, gave a few emotional remarks and reviewed the 20th anniversary of the School of Banking.

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Mr. Tran Hoang Ngan - former Dean of the School of Banking

To express gratitude for their contribution and companionship with the School of Banking, Dr. Phan Chung Thuy and Mr. Duong Tan Khoa sent their thanks and souvenirs to representatives of banks, securities companies and individuals who supported the School of Banking.

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Dr. Phan Chung Thuy and Mr. Duong Tan Khoa presenting souvenirs to partners

Continuing the program, Ms. Cao Ngoc Thuy presented a summary report on the "Hope Fund", which was established by alumni of the School of Banking on the 18th anniversary of the School of Banking in order to promptly support and create opportunities and conditions for students of the School of Banking to continue pursuing their study path at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.

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In order to support the exchange between alumni and lecturers and students of the School of Banking, the program has a round table discussion with those who are leaders of banks and securities companies about their work experiences and feelings when returning to their former school and meeting former lecturers and friends.

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The meeting ended successfully with a photo of all guests and the School of Banking, and an intimate lunch so that everyone could have time to chat and remember their memories at the School of Banking during 20 years of development.

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All Lecturers and guests taking some photos

More photos regarding the meeting:

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News and photos: School of Banking, UEH Department of Marketing and Communication