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Closing and awarding ceremony of the "Proud of UEH" 2023 writing contest

Closing and awarding ceremony of the "Proud of UEH" 2023 writing contest

In order to summarize, record and commend quality entries in the "Proud of UEH" 2023 Writing Contest, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) held the Closing and Awarding Ceremony on December 14, 2023.

To preserve the emotions and feelings of learners during the period marking an important milestone in transforming the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, the school organized the "Proud of UEH" writing contest to promote good cultural traditions, respect lecturers and show gratitude of generations of learners to UEH lecturers and officials.

The closing ceremony was attended by Mr. Nguyen Van Duong - Head of Department of Student Affairs, Head of the Organizing Committee; Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuong Nho - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the UEH Youth Union; Mr. Nguyen Huu Tien - Vice President of the UEH Student Association along with the staff  of the Department of Student Affairs, and especially students with high results in the contest. 

Summarizing the contest, Mr. Nguyen Van Duong - Head of Department of Student Affairs, Head of the Organizing Committee - shared "On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to sincerely thank all the contestants who spent their time and enthusiasm participating in the competition. With more than 500 entries submitted, the contest not only creates a playground to nurture emotions and culture at UEH but also is an opportunity to spread the meaningful values ​​that we are proud of. Congratulations to the winning authors and thank you all for your contributions to the success of the contest. I hope you will continue to live and yo act in accordance with the values ​​of which we are proud. Please bring with you the lessons and emotions from the contest and spread positivity to the UEH community. "

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Mr. Nguyen Van Duong - Head of Department of Student Affairs, Head of the Organizing Committee - delivering a speech summarizing the contest

During its organization, the contest received the attention of a large number of UEH learners with more than 500 entries in three categories: short articles, long articles, and podcasts. In general, the entries were invested and meticulous in the way the students presented, expressed, and conveyed information with very impressive results, specifically including:

- Short articles: 01 First Prize, 02 Second Prizes, 03 Third Prizes, 04 Consolation Prizes, and 05 contestants with good quality writing.

- Long articles:  01 First Prize, 02 Second Prizes, 03 Third Prizes, 04 Consolation Prizes, and 36 contestants with good quality writing.

- Podcast: 02 Second Prizes, 03 Third Prizes, 04 Consolation Prizes, and 10 contestants with good quality entries.

The works that achieved high results have been cherished by the authors, who selected the content and spent time and effort expressing and conveying thoughts, feelings, and multi-dimensional perspectives about UEH.

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Mr. Nguyen Van Duong awarding prizes to students

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Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuong Nho - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the UEH Union - awarding prizes to the students

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Mr. Nguyen Huu Tien - Vice President of UEH Student Association - awarding prizes to students

The "Proud of UEH" 2023 writing contest ended with great success. Hopefully, through the contest, students will be more proud of becoming a part of the UEH family.

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Additional photos regarding the award ceremony:

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News and photos: UEH Department of Student Affairs