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IAV-OLIS Award 2023: Outstanding UEH students win First Prize

IAV-OLIS Award 2023: Outstanding UEH students win First Prize

On December 18, 2023, at the "Culture House" Hall of the National Economics University, the Insurance Association of Vietnam (IAV) solemnly held the awarding ceremony of the IAV-OLIS Award for the 2022-2023 academic year.

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Overview of the 2023 IAV-OLIS Award Ceremony

This is an annual award of the Insurance Association Vietnam - IAV, with the sponsorship of the Oriental Life Insurance Cultural Development Center - Japan to the outstanding students in the field of life insurance from three schools with a long history of training and providing human resources for the Vietnamese insurance labor market, including National Economics University (NEU), Academy of Finance (AF) and University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), with the aim of encouraging insurance majors to have an interest in life insurance. The total amount of prizes awarded annually is 3,000 USD, including 01 First Prize worth 1,000 USD; 02 Second Prizes, each worth 400 USD; and 06 Third prizes, each worth 200 USD.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Viet - Chairman of Vietnam Insurance Association - emphasized: "The IAV-OLIS Award is a source of encouragement for insurance students in Vietnam to love and to actively study and research life insurance".

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Mr. Nguyen Xuan Viet - Chairman of IAV - delivering the opening speech

Representing the Oriental Life Insurance Cultural Development Center - Japan, the Award sponsor, Mr. Yoshihiro Syuto - President of OLIS - shared its history and development as well as emphasized the missions of OLIS, including the establishment of OLIS scholarship funds to students from countries with emerging insurance markets in Asia. In addition, OLIS coordinated with the Life Insurance Association, Japan and insurance associations of other countries to organize scientific conferences with pressing topics in life insurance.

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Mr. Yoshihiro Syuto - President of OLIS

In 2022 - the first year of the Award, the Vietnam Insurance Association evaluated candidates according to the nomination lists of 3 Schools (each School nominated 3 students with the highest GPA in the course) and implemented the Award to 9 excellent students in December 2022.

In 2023, the method and the criteria for selecting award winners are not only based on the list of students with the highest academic achievements nominated by the schools, the Organizing Committee requires candidates to submit two articles to be evaluated:

- 01 research article on Vietnamese life insurance, maximum 5,000 words. The purpose is to evaluate the candidate's understanding of life insurance, research capacity, detection of problems, and solution proposals. The research paper accounts for 70% of the total award score;

- 01 article about the meaning of life insurance through a true story in Vietnam (it can be the authors’ own story or anyone else's but must be a story of real people, real things, and not yet published in the press). The purpose is to encourage candidates to find real stories about the humane meaning of life insurance. This article accounts for 30% of the score structure.

With a research paper on the topic "The current situation of exclusive distribution cooperation of life insurance through banks (bancassurance) in Vietnam - Some solutions and forecasts of future trends", Le Dinh Hung - K46 in Insurance convinced all 9 judges of this year's Award Council and successfully won the First Prize. In addition, two students Vo Nguyen Anh Thu and Tang Vo Minh Luan - K46 majoring in Insurance also excellently won 2 third prizes. NEU students won 2 Second prizes, 1 Third prize, and AF students won 3 Third prizes.

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Le Dinh Hung being awarded the First Prize from Mr. Nguyen Xuan Viet - President of IAV and Mr. Yoshihiro Syuto - President of OLIS

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Vo Nguyen Anh Thu (UEH) and fellow students of NEU and AF being received the Third Prize

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Le Dinh Hung, representing the 2023 awardees, expressing his feelings

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Students receiving awards taking some photos with representatives of IAV, OLIS, NEU, AF, and UEH

Once again, we would like to congratulate the three Insurance students for their outstanding achievements. Let's look to the future and believe that UEH students will achieve even more brilliant and glorious successes on the upcoming journey.

News and photos: School of Finance, UEH College of Business