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Meeting to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Batch 18 – University of Finance and Accounting Ho Chi Minh City

Meeting to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Batch 18 – University of Finance and Accounting Ho Chi Minh City

On the morning of July 8, 2023, at Room B1.205, the Executive Board of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Alumni Network (UEH Alumni) in collaboration with the Alumni Representative Board of Batch 18 held a meeting on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of Batch 18 - University of Finance and Accounting Ho Chi Minh City (now merged into the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City) in a warm and loving atmosphere.

Attending the meeting, on the side of UEH Alumni leaders, there were Dr. Tran The Hoang – Permanent Vice President of UEH Alumni; Mr. Truong Minh Kiet – Head of Department of Marketing and Communication and General Secretary of UEH Alumni, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Su - Deputy Head of Department of Marketing and Communication cum Member of UEH Alumni and more than 100 alumni of Batch 18 attended the meeting.

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Speaking at the program, Dr. Tran The Hoang - Standing Vice President of UEH Alumni - welcomed the return of Batch 18 Alumni after 30 years of graduation. Dr. Tran The Hoang exchanged information related to the development of the university in recent years, along with the development orientation of UEH to become a multidisciplinary and sustainable university. It was a journey full of ambitions and aspirations of the school's staff and employees, as well as days of relentless efforts, marking the maturity of so many generations of UEH students.

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Dr. Tran The Hoang - Permanent Vice President of UEH Alumni - giving a speech

Dr. Nguyen Duc Thuan - Lecturer of University of Finance - Marketing - Representative of Batch 18 Alumni thanked the UEH leadership and the Executive Board of the UEH Alumni Network for creating favorable conditions for Batch 18 to have a meaningful meeting. Besides, Dr. Nguyen Duc Thuan shared his emotional feelings when returning to the school with memories of the university lecture halls.

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Dr. Nguyen Duc Thuan - Lecturer at University of Finance - Marketing - Representative of the Batch 18 Alumni giving a speech

Over the course of nearly 48 years of construction and development, UEH has always focused on strengthening comprehensive and long-term cooperative relationships with organizations, agencies and businesses through the program "Community Connection - Spreading Knowledge – Sustainable Action” so that the partners can accompany in the process of training high-quality human resources; concurrently, bringing values to society and the community, especially spreading the value of multi-field and multi-disciplinary knowledge.

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Mr. Truong Minh Kiet - Head of Department of Marketing and Communication, General Secretary of UEH Alumni - presenting the Program "Community Connection - Spreading Knowledge - Sustainable Action"

In order to accompany the GIVING TO UEH program, and spread the good traditional values, which are molded and continued through each generation of UEHer, on the occasion of visiting the school, Batch 18 Alumni contributed VND 70,000,000 to the “Talent Nurturing” scholarship of GIVING TO UEH in order to encourage good students to develop their talents and give wings to disadvantaged students to realize their dream of going to school.

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Mr. Tran Huu Dai - Director of Saigon Tax Agency - Representative Batch 18 Alumni - awarding medals andTalent Nurturing Scholarship Fund

During this return, the alumni were guided by the UEH Alumni Office to visit places they were attached to during their student days that now is invested with modern facilities at Campus B, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong District 10, listed as smart classrooms, Smart library, English zone, etc. The tour helps alumni recall precious memories on campus, share and feel the changes of UEH over the years, and tighten up more emotional attachment, connecting generations.

Over 48 years of establishment and development, the UEH common house has witnessed the efforts, youthful ambitions, maturity and reaching out to the great sea of many generations of learners. For now, UEHers come back together, contribute, build for the development of UEH, and connect and support the next generation of juniors. UEH and the Executive Board of the Alumni Network (UEH Alumni) sincerely thank and are always ready to warmly welcome generations of alumni back to visit the school. Hopefully, in the coming time, alumni will continue to closely connect and make practical contributions to UEH's educational cause, as well as contribute to the spread of knowledge, civilization, and comprehensive educational values to the community with the University.

More photos related to the meeting and visit of Batch 18 Alumni:

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News, photos: UEH Alumni