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Seminar "Ideas For Research On Economic Development In Vietnam"

Seminar "Ideas For Research On Economic Development In Vietnam"

In the morning of March 20 2017, at 1A Hoang Dieu Campus, UEH School of Economics held a seminar on "Ideas for research on economic development in Vietnam".

The seminar was attended by distinguished guests including Prof. James Riedel from John Hopkins University; Dr. Pham Khanh Nam - Vice Dean, School of Economics, UEH; Mr. Le Thanh Nhan - Vice Dean, School of Economics, UEH; graduate students from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies; along with lecturers and students from the School of Economics and Vietnam–The Netherlands Master Programme.

Prof. James Riedel and Dr. Pham Khanh Nam co-led the discussion section. This event was part of a study tour in Vietnam in 2017 of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

At the seminar, Johns Hopkins members presented research ideas on various topics related to Vietnam such as rice production and export, the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the economy as well as issues related to state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Vietnam. During the discussion, young lecturers, Vietnam–The Netherlands Programme graduate students and students from the School of Economics also added much information related to the research context as well as the actual situation of Vietnam. They also provided suggestions for research development.

Some photos of the seminar:

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Whole view of the seminar

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Mr. Pham Khanh Nam and Prof. James Riedel co-leading the discussion

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Members of John Hopkins University attending the seminar

Source: Department of Communications and Public Relations; School of Economics