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Signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between UEH College of Business and Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank

Signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between UEH College of Business and Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank

On November 24, 2023, UEH College of Business held a signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank (VPBank) for the period 2023 - 2026, opening a period of extensive and comprehensive cooperation in many fields such as Awarding VPBank Talent Scholarships, supporting student internships, organizing visits to the bank, organizing seminars/workshops, thematic activities, career guidance and skill development, connecting and implementing project research and other training support activities that are the strengths of the two sides in each period.

Attending the ceremony, on behalf of the leaders of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) and UEH College of Business (UEH-COB), there was the presence of Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao - Deputy Director of UEH; Dr. Dinh Thi Thu Hong - Vice Head of UEH-COB; together with the lecturers and leaders of the Schools of Finance, Banking, Accounting, Management, International Business - Marketing under UEH College of Business.

On behalf of Vietnam Prosperity Commercial Joint Stock Bank VPBank, attending the signing ceremony were Mr. Phung Duy Khuong - Standing Deputy General Director and Director of VPBank Individual Customer Division; Ms. Tran Thi Diep Anh - Director of VPBank Human Resource Management Division; Mr. Tran Phong Lanh - Southern Director of Individual Customer Division; Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan - Director of Saigon Branch; and the leaders of VPBank's divisions and departments.

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Overview of the signing ceremony

At the signing ceremony, representing the UEH Board of Directors, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao warmly welcomed and congratulated the future cooperation between VPBank and UEH College of Business. He gave a general introduction to UEH's development in recent times, and highlighted UEH's policies in the new period besides suggesting common points where VPBank and UEH have potential for cooperation. Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao emphasized the value of serving the community, aiming for a good society and sustainable development - an important common direction that both UEH and VPBank are sharing together. He believes that from this common point, both sides will build practical and effective activities for the community, society and for the development of the country, starting with activities aimed at high-quality human resource training that meets the requirements of the labor market.


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Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao delivering the opening speech

Representing UEH College of Business, Dr. Dinh Thi Thu Hong briefly introduced the activities of the College of Business and the Schools under the College of Business, and the potential contents that the two sides can cooperate. On that basis, she desired the college to base on the agreement signed that day between the College of Business and VPBank to implement MOAs so that the contents of the agreement can be put into practice, contributing to the successful implementation. One of UEH's missions is to train high-quality human resources in the business field towards integration and knowledge transfer, helping learners become global citizens.

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Dr. Dinh Thi Thu Hong at the ceremony

Representing VPBank, Mr. Phung Duy Khuong - Standing Deputy General Director and Director of VPBank Individual Customer Division - thanked UEH for the warm welcome. He congratulated UEH on its achievements, especially on its official transformation into a multi-disciplinary University. Mr. Khuong said that prosperity according to that of VPBank's "standards" has been similar to the world's measurements as defined by 4 values: Finance, Mind, Spirit and Community. The four pieces that makede up the prosperous quality of life of each individual are also the four pillars that create national prosperity. Therefore, he believed that both VPBank and UEH had one thing in common: the desire to serve and to create a prosperous community for the development of the country; consequently, the potential for cooperation between the two Units has been very large, and VPBank would always accompany UEH on this journey.

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Mr. Phung Duy Khuong at the ceremony

With the mission "For a prosperous Vietnam", VPBank was aware of its responsibility to the community and society, leading to implementing programs that contribute to making society and the country increasingly rich, beautiful, and civilized. VPBank has paid special attention to cooperating with Universities and Colleges nationwide to contribute to the training and development of young talents and students - the generations of managers and leaders and potential high-quality human resources of society and country. VPBank believed that with this Agreement, the cooperation and relationship between VPBank and UEH College of Business would become stronger and increasingly raised to a new level.

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Leaders of the two sides performing the MoU signing ceremony

On this occasion, VPBank contributed to the Giving UEH Fund - Community Connection - Spreading Knowledge - Sustainable Action with a sponsorship worth 200 million VND. Through the Giving program, VPBank wished to contribute to helping UEH fulfill its social responsibilities through spreading multi-disciplinary knowledge, providing practical training, promoting research value, and implementing projects acting for a sustainable future.

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Mr. Phung Duy Khuong, representing VPbank, awarding grants to the Giving UEH Fund - Community Connection - Spreading Knowledge - Sustainable Action

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Dr. Dinh Thi Thu Hong presenting flowers to Mr. Phung Duy Khuong

Within the framework of the signing ceremony, to mark the cooperation activities and to share practical knowledge, the School of Finance, UEH College of Business coordinated with VPBank to organize a workshop with the topic "Banking risk management in accordance with Basel standards" with Ms. Pham Thuy Yen - Senior Head of Integrated Risk Management Department of VPBank Risk Management Division, as a speaker. The program received the attention of lecturers and students of the School of Finance.

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Ms. Pham Thuy Yen sharing about the topic "Banking risk management in accordance with Basel standards"

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Students interacting with the speaker

The workshop was a great success and brought very interesting and useful content to the students. As part of the program series, on November 24 and 27 at the Ground Floor of Campus B1 - UEH, VPBank Prime - the first financial brand in Vietnam for the young generation to live a breakthrough life was also organized. Exciting activities listed as opening an account with selected numbers and free personal iNick, tarot reading, lucky spin, etc. brought a set of impressive and valuable programs for UEH students. Participating in the event with VPBank, students who checked in with VPBank also received meaningful gifts from the program.

Wishing the cooperative relationship between UEH and VPBank to be well developed.

Additional photos regarding the ceremony:

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News and photos: UEH College of Business, UEH Department of Marketing and Communication