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The Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) has been appraised and officially included in the EconLit database by the American Economic Association

The Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) has been appraised and officially included in the EconLit database by the American Economic Association

On September 2, 2021, the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) has been appraised by the American Economic Association and officially included in the EconLit (Economic Literature) database list.

The Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES), affiliated to the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), is a scientific journal in the field of economics and business, including two versions: English version (JABES-E) published 4 issues/year on the system of Emerald International Publishing House; and Vietnamese version (JABES-V) publishes 12 issues/year. The National Council of Professors awarded JABES-V the highest score in the Journals published in Vietnam.. Research articles submitted to JABES are peer-reviewed to ensure standards and improve the academic quality of scientific papers.

JABES-E is the first economic journal of Vietnam which is officially recognized in ESCI under the Web of Science on June 9, 2021. Recently the American Economic Association has also completed the appraisal and approval to include JABES in the EconLit list - one of the prestigious lists of reputable reference databases proposed by researchers in economic sciences. (more information at the link: ).

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cá cược thể thao hul city

EconLit is a prestigious Database published by the American Economic Association; this directory provides bibliography of a wide variety of economic literature, including theoretical and applied economics. The contents of journals and documents in the EconLit catalog are researched and read by researchers, academics, managers, advertisers, product developers and public policy experts.

There are 7 types of resources that make up the index in EconLit:

  • Journal Articles: The number of journals participating in the EconLit index has increased from 182 periodicals in 1969 to more than 750 journals today. Journals are selected for inclusion in EconLit on the basis of their economic content, which must have a notable scientific contribution or be equally emphasized in interdisciplinary journals. JABES-E is honored to officially join this type of resource in the EconLit category.
  • Books: EconLit includes summaries of published books of at least 60 pages with economic content from the list of new books featured in the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL).
  • Aggregated articles: EconLit indexes book chapter articles or compilations, conference proceedings, collections of essays on a particular topic, articles from research projects, a single author's collection of articles, and Festschrift volumes (articles collected in honor of an economic scholar who made a significant contribution).
  • Theses: Theses appear in the database starting from 1987.
  • Economic research papers: EconLit is partnering with the RePEc (Economic Research Papers) Project to bring records into EconLit from the decentralized RePEc database of working papers.
  • Full-text book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL).

Currently, JABES-E is indexed in ESCI, DOAJ, Google Scholar and ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), Cabell's Directories, and Proquest (see more at: ). Being officially recognized in the EconLit list is a process of persistent efforts, including full of aspirational internationalization of Journal and UEH leaders and UEH's pedagogical team; a network of national and international scholars and associates of JABES Newsroom. At the same time, this result was achieved thanks to the effective direction and support from the Ministry of Education and Training through the JABES Upgrading Projects from 2013 to the present with two funding phases.

Recently, JABES has had many activities that contribute to the economic field in general and academic development in particular. The first bright spot is the JABES Seminar Talks (JST) series in the Conference program "Economics and Business: Agendas for the Uncertain World) with the participation of famous scholars who are Editor-in-Chief of prestigious and influential scientific journals in the world. Up to now, JABES has successfully organized 7 JST Seminars and planned 2 more sessions with the average number of participants each term reaching more than 100 domestic and international researchers and scientists from nearly 20 countries around the world. In particular, the special guest speakers of the JST Talk series include:

  • JST 2020: Prof. Ajai Gaur (Rutgers University, USA; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of World Business). Topic: Asian context, global issues: Opportunities and challenges for Asian scholars.
  • JST January 2021: Prof. Kevin Lang (Boston University, USA; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Labor Economics). Topic: Researching Labor Economics in the world's fluctuations.
  • JST February 2021: Prof. Tilman Börgers (University of Michigan, USA; Lead Editor of Journal of Economic Theory). Topic: The Usefulness of Game Theory: Discussion of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics.
  • JST April 2021: Prof. Andrews Foster (Brown University, USA; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Development Economics). Topic: Are there too many farms around the world? Labor market transaction costs, machine capacity and optimal farm size.
  • JST May 2021: Prof. Scott R. Baker (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA). Topic: Uncertainty Indexes and identifying "Jumps" in the stock market.
  • JST June 2021: Prof. Nancy R. Xu (Boston College, USA). Topic: The contagion of risk aversion: Evidence from financial markets and controlled experiments.
  • JST July 2021: Prof. Shoshana Grossbard (San Diego State University, United States; Editor-in-Chief Review of Economics of the Household). Topic: How does the household economy help us deal with COVID-19?
  • JST September 2021: Prof. Mariano Massimiliano Croce (Bocconi University, Italy; Co-editor of Economics Letters). Topic: Markets in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Contagion, Virus, and Disinformation?
  • JST October 2021: Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann (Maastricht University, Netherlands; Free University of Berlin, Germany and Renmin University of China, China, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics). Topic: Globalization, political features and the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The next important highlight is the 3rd Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies (ACBES 2021) co-organized by JABES and Lincoln University (New Zealand), which is funded primarily by the Ministry of Education & Training, UEH, CFVG, and ISB. In the past three days, August 26, 27, and 28, 2021, the Conference took place successfully with more than 330 scholars from all over the world participating on the Zoom online platform with 32 presentations and lively discussions in private sessions (including two special Workshop Training sessions); especially the presence of 6 Keynote Speakers who are professors and leading experts in the world in the field of economics:

  • Professor Bart Lambrecht (Cambridge Judge Business School - University of Cambridge, UK; Director of the Cambridge Center for Finance (CCFin); Director of the Foundation for Research Contribution to Finance (CERF); Former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Corporate Finance; Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Banking and Finance; Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. Presentation topic: “Dynamics of financial policies and group decisions in private enterprises”.
  • Professor Carlos Alós-Ferrer (Professor at NOMIS University of Zurich, Switzerland; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economic Psychology). Presentation topic: “Random Selection: Psychological Foundations and Economic Consequences”.
  • Professor Les Oxley (Professor of Economics, University of Waikato, New Zealand; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economic Surveys; Co-Director of the Accountability and Sustainability Management Unit - New Zealand Business Research Institute). Presentation topic: "Amiomio Āotearoa: A stable economy for New Zealand's well-being".
  • Professor Ilan Alon (University of Agder, Norway; Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Emerging Markets). Presentation topic: "Globalization of Chinese Capital: Theory, Practice and Policy".
  • Professor Wolfgang Glänzel (Editor-in-Chief Scientometrics, Germany). Presentation topic: “Quantitative Scientific Research and Research Evaluation”.
  • Professor Scott Cunningham (Editor-in-Chief Technological Forecasting and Social Changes, USA). Presentation topic: “Aspects of Causal Inference”.

More information:

All JABES new information and outstanding events such as ACBES International Scientific Conference, JST Talk series will be continuously updated on JABES official information channels as follows:

News, photos: JABES.