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The photo contest “Reflecting on UEH 45 years”: Capture meaningful moments on the 45-year journey

The photo contest “Reflecting on UEH 45 years”: Capture meaningful moments on the 45-year journey

With the desire to share meaningful stories and beautiful photos during the 45-year journey of building and developing the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) to the community, the photo contest "Reflecting on UEH 45 years" has received much attention and support from the UEHer community, attracting more than 500 entries from faculty staffs , students and alumni who have been studying and working at the University. The contest shows a wide range of emotions, memories,  intergeneration bonding moments, and unforgettable impressions in the common house UEH - Once a UEH staff/student, forever a proud of UEHer.

The contest and voting for photos with meaningful content officially took place from July 15 to August 20, 2021, successfully attracting many authors to submit photos for the contest and interact with voting on the social networking platform. The Alumni album on the UEH Alumni Fan page reached more than 64,200 hits, 374 interactions; The Staffs album – Fan page of UEH Trade Union reached 193,200 hits, 6,000 interactions and the Student album - Youth UEH Community Fan page with more than 291,700 hits and 3,500 interactions.

The entries are a grateful gift of the contestants to the UEH's 45-year journey of establishment and development. In each corner of the photo, the frame is filled with fond memories of the days when young students bonded with friends, teachers, and colleagues in learning activities and exciting movements at school. Countless emotions of UEH teachers and students have been preserved through each meaningful photo and story. All appear as a short film recreating the entire journey of UEH. And perhaps, during the time of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the University coming so close, the word "PROUD" have never existed so truthfully in the hearts of each generation of UEH teachers and students.

To share with the community and all UEHer families, all works are now displayed online at //future.sbdweb.com/#section-lookbook - the community's gathering place for scientists, researchers, organizations, businesses and individuals together with UEH contribute to the spread of knowledge, civilization and comprehensive educational values to everyone, with the motto: "Community connection, spreading knowledge, sustainable development”.

“Reflecting on UEH 45 years” – Gratitude to the value creators

Accompanying the mission "Enhancing knowledge, training high-quality human resources, global integration and transfer; Pioneering innovation, creativity, serving the community", UEH staffs and employees are day-to-day incubating "green sprouts" - generations of UEH students who are creating true values for the future. The works of "Reflecting on UEH 45 years" are like a golden milestone, contributing to the gratitude and preservation of memorable moments, emotions and memories of teachers, their colleagues and students in the UEH common house. Those efforts of teachers have created a solid premise, a launching pad for a generation of entrepreneurs with leadership skills and a global vision.

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Top 5 pictures of the most voted teachers, spreading on social networks

The First Prize: "My Youth" - Ms. Le Thi Ai Nhan

The Second Prize: "The Orange Festival - annual program of the Student Association of International Business - Marketing" - Mr. Trinh Huynh Quang Canh

The Third Prize: "Labour is glory" - Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh

The Consolation Prize: “For the first time in the profession” - Mr. Nguyen Quoc Anh

The Consolation Prize: “November 20 is meaningful” - Ms. Cao Ngoc Thuy

See detailed photos and stories of the winning pictures

“Reflecting on UEH 45 years” – When UEHers’ hearts look back together

The contest is also an opportunity to help Alumni once again review the memories and stories of their youth at UEH. 45 years is a long journey to witness the growth of generations, in which many youthful imprints of enthusiastic hearts are kept. It is also a place of return for former students to continue their journey to conquer knowledge at a higher level and give further generations new wings to develop together.

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Top 5 works of Alumni with the most votes, spreading on social networks

The First Prize: "The Journey of Nurturing - Fruit Bearing - Spreading" - Mr. Nguyen Duc Thang

The Second Prize: “Bê Tê Nờ in me” - Ms. Vo Huynh Anh Thu

The Third Prize: “UEH - The Tipping Point” - Mr. Nguyen Viet Vuong

The Consolation Prize: "Youth - UEH" - Ms. Nguyen Hiep Ngoc Dung

The Consolation Prize: "Unique and Exquisite Home" - Mr. Huynh Phuc Nguyen

See detailed photos and stories of the top 5 winning pictures

“Reflecting on UEH 45 years” - The young and colorful Gen Z

UEH is associated with each student by different images, sounds, colors and memories, not the same. However, in each of these people's hearts, there always seems to be an invisible string connected by the enthusiasm and sublimation of youth. As a "small cell" of the big family, UEH student generation is determined to maintain their enthusiasm, passion, and accumulate knowledge and skills to succeed in life.

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Top 5 students' works which are voted the most, spreading on social networks

The First Prize: "UEH Citizen: Pride and Gratitude" - Truong Minh Trung

The Second prize: "Sounds in memory" - Dang Thi Tot

The Third Prize: "We of the Present" - Ton Nu Hoang Mai

The Consolation Prize: "Companion - 4 short years - Youth" - Nguyen Ngoc Khanh

The Consolation Prize: "VTF in me" - Thai Thi Diem Huong

See detailed photos and stories of the top 5 winning pictures

Reflecting on UEH 45 years” through pictures and stories from many perspectives has preserved precious memories, connected generations and contributed to enriching the school's visual materials. Marking the 45th anniversary of the establishment, UEH would like to express its sincere gratitude to all UEHers who attended and supported the contest. Together we have created a beautiful youth and passed on the flames of enthusiasm to the next generations under the common roof of UEH!

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News, Photos: Department of Marketing and Communication