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The Vietnam - Japan Youth Exchange Program 2023

The Vietnam - Japan Youth Exchange Program 2023

Vietnam - Japan Youth Exchange Program 2023 (VJYE 2023) between UEH University and Tokyo Keizai University (TKU) took place from August 1 to August 14, 2023. The program is specially designed following TKU's requirements to help Japanese students open up to the world and be more fluent in using English. In addition, VJYE 2023 is a testament to the ability of UEH and TKU in organizing activities that bring equality to all participants, including visually impaired student. VJYE 2023 was held with great success thanks to the careful preparation of the organizers and the enthusiastic participation of all students of the two higher institutions through cultural exchange activities, cultivating academic knowledge and international integration, towards global citizenship.

 Towards Global Citizenship - Catalyzing Sustainable Action - Nurturing Global Leader

With the restructuring strategy to become a multidisciplinary and sustainable UEH University by 2030, UEH officially positions our focus on “Training Global Citizens – Sustainable Action”. Grasping that spirit, VJYE 2023 has integrated many activities to improve international integration capacity for Vietnamese and Japanese students, the most prominent of which is the VJYE International Student Summit 2023 on the topic "17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations".

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17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations - Source: Sustainable Development Goals

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Professor Akinori Seki giving a content orientation speech before the presentations

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Vietnamese - Japanese students attentively listened to the presentation

Within the Vietnam - Japan International Student Summit 2023, groups of Vietnamese - Japanese students discussed each target group of 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Although still sitting in universities, however, with their social knowledge and careful preparation for the presentation, the students presented the most outstanding points about 17 sustainable development goals, assessing the actual situation of implementation in countries around the world, thereby making practical suggestions to solve the major development challenges faced by the people of Vietnam - Japan and the world.

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17 UN Sustainable Development Goals were the main topics discussed in the International Student Summit

Fostering Mutual Understanding Through Language Learning Sessions

Within the series of activities under the VJYE 2023 program, the students of the two countries had a very useful and interesting language learning session. In this topic, Vietnamese and Japanese students were divided into small groups and alternately guided each other in pronunciation of the two countries' languages, with practice exercises such as pronunciation of each word, self-introduction, and reading the alphabet. These contents helped build the foundation for the 14-day get-together activities of the program.

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UEH students guide students from Tokyo Keizai University to learn Vietnamese

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The students divided into groups to discuss the languages of the two countries

In addition, Vietnamese and Japanese students also had the opportunity to prepare together for presentations on academic topics such as: gender inequality in Vietnam and Japan, economic and social situation in Vietnam - Japan, Vietnamese and Japanese education system, etc. These academic activities have contributed to helping students improve their research and presentation skills, and also improve their understanding of the world.

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Participants discuss about the education systems of Vietnam and Japan

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TKU Student - Yasuhito gave a presentation on the topic of gender inequality

Strengthening relationship between Vietnam and Japan through cultural exchange activities

2023 is the year marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan, so the organizers of VJYE 2023 designed a lot of cultural exchange activities between the students of the two countries, helping the students  understand more about the unique cultural features in each country, thereby contributing to nurture the friendship and sustainable connection between students of the two countries in particular and Vietnam - Japan in general. Throughout the program, Japanese students also had the opportunity to try on Vietnamese traditional costumes - Ao Dai.

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Japanese students in Vietnamese traditional costume “ao dai”

In addition, traditional ethnic musical instruments are one of the cultural beauties that cannot be ignored when coming to Vietnam. The smiles and surprises on the faces of the Japanese students when they listened to and self-experienced musical instruments such as  the T-rung, Klong Put, Lithophone... left unforgettable memories for Japanese students.

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Japanese student - Yudai Nakata learnt how to play the gourd zither by an artist

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Cultural exchange event at hall B1, campus B, UEH University

Vietnamese students also had the opportunity to experience Japanese cultural beauties through carefully prepared activities by students from Tokyo Keizai University, one of which is the paper folding class (Origami). Origami is derived from the two words Ori (折り) is folded and Kami (紙) is paper. Origami combines simple folding ways to turn a rectangular piece of paper (2D) into complex shapes (3D), without cutting or gluing in the folding process. Origami seems to be just a game, but it also helps you practice perseverance as well as geometric thinking ability.

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Students from Tokyo Keizai University teach Origami to UEH students

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Lovely Origami made by the students

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Students from both countries took picture together after the International Student Summit

The program ended with appreciation from Prof. Seki and students from Tokyo Keizai University. At the closing ceremony, student Yudai of Tokyo University Keizai confided: "I used to be very scared and worried and thought it was difficult for me to go abroad because of my visual impairment”. However, the UEH- Vietnamese students helped Yudai overcome that fear and adapted easily to be able to participate in most activities during the program.

The Vietnam - Japan Youth Exchange Program VJYE 2023 between UEH University and Tokyo Keizai University (TKU) is operated by students under the dedicated guidance of the Board of Directors of the College of Economics, Law and Government; Board of Directors of UEH Vinh Long Campus and the Administration Office of  the College of Economics, Law and Government. The two-week journey has witnessed significant growth of UEH students in forming the ability to organize and operate an international exchange activity, practice problem solving skills and adaptability to new challenges, regardless of whether the incident arose in the context of cultural differences between the two countries.

Some highlight activities throughout the program:

1. Welcoming Ceremony for Japanese students at UEH Campus B:     cá cược thể thao hul city

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2. Vietnamese and Japanese language class:

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3. Cultural Exchange Day at Hall B1:

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cá cược thể thao hul city 4. Cu Chi Tunnel trip:

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cá cược thể thao hul city5. Welcoming activities for TKU students at UEH Campus Vinh Long:   

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cá cược thể thao hul city6. Activities to explore the culture in Vinh Long:

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cá cược thể thao hul city7. Academic day on the topic “Gender inequality”:

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cá cược thể thao hul city8. Vietnam - Japan International Student Summit 2023:

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cá cược thể thao hul city9. Farewell Ceremony:

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cá cược thể thao hul city              News and Photos: CELG Administration Office, Youth UEH