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UEH College of Business - A year looking back on the founding mark and operating journey

UEH College of Business - A year looking back on the founding mark and operating journey

Carrying out the mission of training high-quality human resources in the business field towards integration and knowledge transfer, since its inception on October 27th, 2021,UEH College of Business (COB) has obtained impressive achievements, contributing to the overall development of UEH’s strategy of becoming a multidisciplinary and sustainable university. On the occasion of UEH’s 46th anniversary (October 27, 1976 - October 27, 2022), let's take a look back at UEH's one-year mark and operational journey.


Imprints of establishment and operation orientation


Implementing the strategy of becoming a multidisciplinary and sustainable university, on October 27th, 2021, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) has officially established 3 UEH member colleges: (1) UEH College of Business; (2) UEH College of Economics, Law and Government; (3) UEH College of Technology and Design.


In particular, UEH College of Business (COB) was born with the mission of training high-quality human resources, promoting international relations, researching, consulting and transferring new knowledge in the fields of: Business, Finance - Banking - Insurance, Accounting - Auditing, Tourism, Hospitality, Sports and Personal Services to the business community, academics, managers in the region and around the world.


Along with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the trend of globalization, it is necessary to equip learners with multidisciplinary knowledge in the field of business to be able to adapt to the multi-dimensional challenges of the economy. In fact, COB has implemented a training strategy:


Training high-quality human resources: Providing high-quality undergraduate and graduate-level human resources, meeting the labor market in the fields of business and finance, capable of working in a global environment.


Integration and knowledge transfer to become global citizens: Quick access to the process of internationalization and integration into the world university community; knowledge transfer for learners to become global citizens.


Serving the community and building and developing society: Contributing to national financial and business development mechanisms and policies and providing consulting solutions for localities, organizations and businesses.


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Conference to announce the establishment resolution, the decision to appoint the Board of Directors and to meet with officials and employees of UEH College of Business


Highlights in training activities


COB is a combination of Schools whose training programs belong to the group of Business majors and groups of industries close to the business field, including: 13 Undergraduate majors, 4 Master degrees, and 4 Doctoral programs. The arrangement of these groups in one college facilitates the development of a multidisciplinary training program with a training scale of up to 20,000 Undergraduate students, Graduate students, and PhD candidates each year.


In particular, the University focuses on developing undergraduate and postgraduate training programs (Masters and PhDs) in accordance with the international standards granted by UEH and/or international partner Universities. The training programs are open and highly interconnected with UEH Member Colleges and with international partner universities. For example, 4/5 training programs of UEH and COB signed with the University of Sydney Business School (credit recognition program for UEH students) have performed FIBBA accreditation, include: Business Administration; Marketing; Commercial business; and Accounting.


In addition to formal university training, COB has the Institute of Business and Resource Development (Huderin) - a center for short-term training, enrollment deployment and training programs - to improve knowledge of economic management, leadership and management of human resources with a curriculum built by the center, periodically enrolling managed or a program designed according to the requirements of the business (in-house). In addition, Huderin consults on applied research for nearly 200 companies and enterprises and conducts various research projects on territorial planning, industry development planning for southern provinces listed as: Binh Duong, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Lam Dong, Ninh Thuan, Long An, Ca Mau,...


Scientific Research Achievements


Along with the training mission, UEH College of Business has made important achievements in scientific research, consulting and knowledge transfer activities with the recognition of the domestic and international scientific community, from which contributes to the development of UEH’s academic reputation in the country and the world.


In the past 1 year, COB has had 20 journal articles under the list of State Council for Professor titles (under 1 point); 12 journal articles on the list of State Council for Professor (1 point, Vietnamese and English versions); 43 articles in the National Conference Proceedings published, or published full text on the website of the conference organizer with an ISSN or ISBN; 38 International Scientific Proceedings Seminar papers published by scientific publishers, in the form of book chapters or scientific articles, with ISSN or ISBN; 6 business-level consulting topics/projects; completing 1 project at Ministerial level and equivalent; 9 University-level/regional-level projects, key university-level projects; 1 Nafosted project; 27 posts on ISI (SSCI, SCIE) subgroups Q1,2,3,4 or ABDC graded A, A and so on Along with that, there is an effort to organize scientific conferences with wide coverage to the community.


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 UEH College of Business having made important achievements in scientific research, consulting and knowledge transfer activities with the recognition of the domestic and international scientific community


Efforts to connect the community


Not only focusing on developing the field of training and scientific research, UEH College of Business has made great efforts and dedication in connecting the community, bringing useful values ​​​​for learners along with fair basic opportunity to experience the values ​​of knowledge and personal development for each individual.


Specifically, UEH University has actively connected with partners and businesses (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Mega Market, Gotadi Tourism Technology Joint Stock Company, BIDV Bank Ben Nghe Branch, YOOT Technology and Training Joint Stock Company, Ernst & Young Vietnam Co., Ltd., and so on) to accompany in activities: incubating talents, awarding study promotion scholarships, connecting employers and students, conducting business tours, inviting businesses to organize seminars/professional training for students, and donating knowledge bookcases to UEH’s library. In addition, UEH University has built free online courses for students and the community to create many useful values ​​for society.


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UEH College of Business having made great efforts on the journey of connecting the community, cooperating with organizations and businesses to bring practical values


Getting ready for the journey of UEH Multidisciplinary and Sustainability


The achievements over the past year have been a solid foundation for UEH College of Business to continue promoting its mission, ready to contribute to UEH’s multidisciplinary and sustainable journey with commitments:


*In terms of training


Implementing strategically as follows: (1) Training learners to succeed in future jobs; (2) Developing learners into global citizens; (3) Promoting individual capacity of learners; and (4) Improving teaching quality.


UEH University will continue to improve the training program in the direction of multidisciplinary and highly practical, integrating technology and digital economy to adapt to the future work of the 4.0 technology revolution era in order to help people with disabilities to study successfully in the labor market and social life.


Implementing the strategy of internationalization of the curriculum by continuously updating the training program towards internationalization, increasing teaching in English medium, and inviting international lecturers to participate in training and consulting activities, at the same time, promoting international student and faculty exchange programs, therefore, equipping learners with a global mindset to apply in work and life.


Building a personalized training program, helping to maximize the individual capacity of each individual; at the same time, it continues to implement activities to improve the teaching quality of teachers.


* In terms of scientific research


In the upcoming period, UEH College of Business will strive to increase the amount of academic research and in-depth investment in research excellence. In addition, COB will invest in promoting applied research to meet the needs of the market and operating diversified policies in the assigned fields. Furthermore, COB invests in building a transparent, motivating, fair and diverse research environment for all components of the research ecosystem including: lecturers, researchers, graduate students and master's students. 


*In terms of international cooperation


 UEH College of Business will establish diverse international research networks in the fields of training and research. Diversity is reflected in the geographical distribution of the network and the characteristics of the partners (universities, research institutes, international organizations, NGOs); at the same time, focusing on increasing international training programs to increase the proportion of international students and the proportion of international lecturers. Besides traditional training partners from Australia, Europe and the United States, UEH University can focus on the education market of Southeast Asian countries.


*In terms of social influence


With a mission to contribute to a better society, UEH College of Business is committed to the role and performance of UEH University’s social responsibility towards the people and the community. The College has worked with local communities, social organizations and implements development programs for a fair, equal, and diversity-respectful society. It is committed to carrying out activities to promote environmental protection within the college, UEH, local communities and the globe, Promoting the integration of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into all activities of the college.


*In terms of administration and operation


The next 5-year period is the time when UEH transforms and develops into a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, and orient the governance and operation of UEH College of Business in accordance with synergies, efficiency and adaptability to change.


UEH University is committed to creating a unified and united member community for the development of multidisciplinary and sustainable UEH. Having a strategy to connect lecturers, staff and learners to join forces in all areas of activity, from scientific research - international cooperation to teaching, developing training programs in the direction of interdisciplinary, transversal industry and social organizations.


UEH University will coordinate with units, departments and UEH member Colleges to continue implementing digital transformation to serve teaching, research, and administration. Investing and developing high-quality teaching staff, increasing the percentage of lecturers with Doctorates, Associate Professors, Professors and improving English ability year by year. At the same time, cooperating with Units, Departments and schools to continue building a good working environment, solidarity, dedication to sharing, innovation and personal responsibility.


UEH has gone through 46 years full of achievements. Entering a new stage with the restructuring strategy to form a multidisciplinary and sustainable university is an important journey for the development of UEH, a requirement of the global era context, the mission of contributing to human knowledge, and UEH’s responsibility to society and the country. Therefore, with the determination and consensus of the entire UEHer, with the important role of the member Colleges, we will work together to achieve the same expectations and results as the previous generations.


News, photos: COB General Department, Department of Marketing and Communication