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UEH officially announcing enrollment information for 48th Course of Regular University in 2022: Option Diversity – Global integration readiness

UEH officially announcing enrollment information for 48th Course of Regular University in 2022: Option Diversity – Global integration readiness

On January 6th, 2022, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) officially announced the enrollment information for 48th Regular University. In 2022, UEH will increase its target by 10%, including 6,550 targets with 31 training programs at Ho Chi Minh City Campus. Minh (KSA) and 600 targets with 12 training programs at UEH - Vinh Long Branch, maintaining the same 06 admission methods as those of last year and opening up many entry opportunities for candidates nationwide through a variety of training program choices and orientation for global integration readiness.

UEH enrolling students with a discipline variety for candidates nationwide

University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), with the strategy of becoming a multidisciplinary and sustainable university, on the foundation of the strength of prestige and quality, continues to open new training programs to catch up with the global trend Business, Economics, Law, State Administration, Technology and Design fields, bringing diversity in orientation and career options for candidates nationwide.

In 2022, UEH will increase our target by 10% compared to that in 2021. In terms of Training campuses in Ho Chi Minh City (KSA), , UEH is to enroll 6,550 students, 31 training programs, in which, 2 new programs catch up with the training trend, domestic and international labor demand in the fields of science, technology and digital economy: Technology and Innovation, Digital communication and multi-media design. This is a continuation of the success and affirmation of UEH's pioneering role in technology and design training after successfully enrolling in Architecture and Smart City Design Program in 2021.

In terms of Training facility at UEH - Vinh Long Branch (KSV), UEH is to enroll 600 students with 12 training programs, including 06 nationwide enrollment programs as follows: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, E-commerce, Economic Law, Agribusiness, Management of tourism and travel services, Business English. In 2022, two new training programs will be added: Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Finance. In particular, all final-year (senior) students at Vinh Long Branch will participate in the Switch-campus Program, studying at HCMC campus. This is a new point for students who have been admitted to UEH - Vinh Long Branch this year.

For further details, refer to Appendix 1: Admission criteria

Becoming a UEHer – Being ​​Ready for global integration

With the orientation of training high-quality human resources ready for global integration and competition in the world labor market, in addition to Standard Program constructed and selected from the training programs of Top 200 universities in the world, UEH also develops a variety of training programs as follows:

Talented Bachelor Program (ISB): The program, completely taught in English medium with high intensity, is constantly updated, helping students quickly access new knowledge. Soft skills are integrated throughout the learning process with a variety of implementation forms. ISB students, mainly from specialized schools and selected classes for the gifted, are trained to discover their own potentials along with diverse opportunities to participate in student exchange with prestigious international schools and become HR professionals for large corporations in Vietnam and globally.

High-quality Bachelor Program (English medium, Vietnamese medium): Training high-quality graduates through the use of an internationally advanced program, prioritizing excellent faculty and applying modern teaching and learning, using all English medium (High-quality in English medium) or 20% in English (High-quality in Vietnamese medium), participating in international student exchange programs. This program is oriented towards target major/specialization right from the first year, creating favorable conditions for students to choose his/her major/specialization right from the beginning of the course.

Integrated dual-disciplinary program: Students have the opportunity to receive a second university degree in Majors with very high matriculation scores in the previous years and are considered as ‘hot’ specializations in the current labor market, meeting the needs of human resources in the integration trend. The total study time of students is 4.5 - 5 years to obtain 02 Regular Bachelor Diplomas issued by UEH. In 2022, UEH - Ho Chi Minh City campus will train 03 dual-disciplinary programs including: Agribusiness - Logistic and Supply Chain Management, Insurance - Finance, Public Management - Law. UEH - Vinh Long Branch will train 02 dual programs: Agribusiness - Logistic and Supply Chain Management, Agribusiness - International business.

Students participating in UEH training programs will have many opportunities to access the international educational environment through Student Exchange Programs/Associations, International Dual-Diplomas with distinguished-quality and prestigious universities as follows: Business Administration Program affiliated with City University of Seattle (USA), Kwangwoon University (Korea); International business association with University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerlan (Switzerland); Finance associated with the University of Rennes 1 (France); Banking has an exchange program with Vinius University (Lithuania), University of Siena (Italy); Tourism and Travel Service Management and Hotel Management affiliated with NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands); Architecture and smart urban design in association with University of Auckland (New Zealand).

UEH - Vinh Long Branch also continues to enroll students for Mekong International Training Program (Bachelor of Australia - New Zealand) with the mission of ‘Mekong Talents - Flying to Return’ including 1.5 years of studying at Vinh Long Branch whereas the rest of the study time studying at a partner school in Australia or New Zealand.

Upon graduating from UEH Bachelor programs, learners will accumulate knowledge recognized by international professional associations listed as: Association of Certified Public Accountants of Australia (CPA) (Banking, Taxation program) in Business, International Banking, Investment Banking, Stock Market), CFA Institute of America (Program on Investment Finance, Mathematical Finance); Institute of Chartered Certified Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Association of Chartered Certified Management Accountants (CIMA) Audit); Society of Actuaries (SOA), Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA).

For further details, refer to Appendix 2: Programs for details

Schoolyear 2022 – Stabilizing the enrollment method – Diverse opportunities for admission to UEH

Regarding the study conditions of candidates facing uncertain factors due to the epidemic, UEH continued to stabilize 06 enrollment methods to create stability in learning and increase the chances for candidates to be admitted: (1) Direct admission in accordance with the regulations by Ministry of Education and Training; (2) Selecting candidates who have graduated from a foreign high-school program with an international certificate; (3) Admission of excellent students; (4) Admission to UEH learning process by subject combination, (5) Admission based on the results of Competency assessment exam; (6) Admission based on the results of High-school graduation exam in 2022.

Selection combinations are as follows:

- Combination A00: Math, Physics, Chemistry

- Combination A01: Math, Physics, English

- Combination D01: Math, Literature, English

- Combination D07: Math, Chemistry, English

- Combination D96: Math, Social Science, English

- Combination V00: Math, Physics, Fine art drawing

For admission options (2), (3), (4), (5), UEH plans to open the system for candidates to register for admission from 08 AM on March 15th, 2022 to 4:00 PM on April 29th, 2022. For options (1) and (6), UEH will follow UEH admissions plan and guidance from Ministry of Education and Training.

For further details, refer to Appendix 3: Enrollment method.

In accordance with sharing from Dr. Bui Quang Hung, UEH Vice President: “UEH is the leading university brand in the Vietnamese higher education system and has made our mark on the world market. With globalization, the educational environment at UEH always values each learner’s individuality, educating creative thinking and forging problem solving from a multidisciplinary perspective. UEH empowers learners to freely choose their major, freely choose how to study, freely express themselves, freely define their own future and inspire them to change their lives for the better towards sustainability for the environment, society and the economy. UEH message to candidates in 2022 is “I am who I choose to be” – You will be free to choose to be the person you desire to be at UEH!”