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UEH Slogan Competition International Launch “For the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH University” - A key milestone for the university restructure strategy from 2021 to 2025

UEH Slogan Competition International Launch “For the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH University” - A key milestone for the university restructure strategy from 2021 to 2025

In its 45 years of establishment and growth since 1976, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) not only plays the role of a national key university but also achieves various achievements in international education. In an effort to keep up our efforts, 2021 will be the kickoff year for the restructuring strategy, moving from a single-disciplinary model to a sustainable and multidisciplinary UEH University.

In realizing and celebrating the transformation of our university, on September 9, 2021, UEH officially organized The International Launch Event UEH Slogan Competition “For the Multi-disciplinary and Sustainable UEH University”

This is a language competition, affirming thinking, creativity for all global citizens to participate in an education with practical values, sustainable development for the future.

The event was very honored to welcome the participation of delegates: Prof. Barney Glover AO, the fourth Vice-Chancellor of Western Sydney University; Prof. Yi-Chen Lan, Pro Vice-Chancellor Global Development, Western Sydney University; Mr. Richard Moore, Chairman and Ideation Director of Richard Moore Associates company; Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong, Chairman of UEH University Council, Head of the Judging Panel; Prof. Su Dinh Thanh, President of UEH; Dr. Bui Quang Hung, Vice President of UEH; Assoc. Prof. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet, Advisory Council Chairwoman of UEH.

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The Delegates participate in International Launch Event 

Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong, Chairman of UEH University Council, Head of the Judging Panel delivered his opening remarks on UEH, our university future and the importance of the competition.

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Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong, Chairman of UEH University Council, Head of the Judging Panel delivered opening remarks on event. 
In order for attendees to have a more professional perspective on this competition, Dr. Bui Quang Hung, Vice President of UEH delivered his remarks on the overall information of the competition, its relevant guidelines, and rules, along with the defining values of our competition. 

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Dr. Bui Quang Hung, Vice President of UEH delivered his remarks on competition information & guidelines

During the event, the organizers received a lot of attention and questions from the UEH community, Vietnamese as well as international citizens. Therefore, the delegates had an exchange with the participants to give their views, suggestions and analysis of key issues related to the competition topic.

To answer the question: "The meaning of the new defining values: UEH Community of Sustainable Changemakers", Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong shared: “Anyone who’s interested in UEH educational and research activities can recognize that over the past 45 years, in addition to successfully contributing to academic excellence, we have also acted greatly on connecting the overall community knowledge to build the UEH community. UEH is on the way to restructuring itself to become a multidisciplinary university, and as such, despite having been a leader in economics and business & public administration, we are planning to integrate new disciplines, such as Technology Design into our activities to further develop our future. In order for us to become a multidisciplinary and sustainable university, we would continuously develop the UEH community of sustainability changemakers through first the indication of UEH lecturers in excellent research & teaching, and learner’s group activities. Then, there’s also extracurricular activities and we will also start encouraging and engaging learners and staff to feel empowered to act sustainably. And lastly, and this is particularly for our leaders as they try their best to create and meulate success as we go.  Lastly, the leaders try their best to create success.”

Prof. Su Dinh Thanh also shared about the influence of the spirit and personality of UEH University "Quality - Integrated - Innovative” encapsulates the growth strategy of UEH University in the next 5 years, from 2021 to 2025”: “UEH is embarking on new brand characteristics, being Quality, Integrated, Innovative, and Art Inspiring. Strategically speaking, I could see that these characteristics will have a major impact on the growth strategy of UEH University in the period of 2021 - 2025, as they would also affect the curriculum and teaching methods of our teaching staff. What’s more, I believe that this will also require students, when applying to UEH, to have their own preliminary understanding of UEH vision and mission, which is to develop and improve each student’s capacity in the new world. This will allow students to have their own general vision for themselves as they go through the entirety of their time at the university.”

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Prof. Su Dinh Thanh, President of UEH (right) shared  about the influence of the spirit and personality of UEH University "Quality - Integrated - Innovative” encapsulates the growth strategy of UEH University in the next 5 years, from 2021 to 2025” 
Continuing the event, to answer the question: “What are some of the required criteria to become a leading multidisciplinary university in sustainable growth? Could you provide us with examples of other universities in the world who have been successful in this regard? Prof. Yi-Chen Lan replied: “In order to develop an institution into a leading multidisciplinary university, I think that the selection of disciplines is critical in the planning phase. Knowledge capital or professionals cultivated through the university education should align with the national priority, and if possible, the skill sets in the new disciplines should be transferable and can match with the needs in the global employment market. In addition, a world-class university should also step into a leadership position and be able to drive positive and effective initiatives in response to the current global challenges, such as the climate change issues. Integrating teaching, learning, research, and community engagement with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will demonstrate and differentiate the University’s social responsibility.”

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Prof. Yi-Chen Lan, Pro Vice-Chancellor Global Development, Western Sydney University (right) exchanged about the required criteria to become a leading multidisciplinary university in sustainable growth
As a brand expert with more than 30 years of experience in the Vietnamese market, Prof. Richard Moore gave key advice on the most important factor for a successful slogan. According to Mr. Richard Moore: “As you have heard, the University has a lot to offer its students and the world they will graduate into. If you try to express all of that, you’ll end up with an essay, not a slogan. So I suggest that you first spend some time studying each of the several criteria the University has provided until you understand them all very well. Then look for the essence of the University’s transitional stages, search out the most differentiating aspects of its positioning values, and nuance the words you use to express your ideas about them in a way that conveys the University’s main personality traits. Make a sincere effort to compose a list of slogans from that founda-tion, and make sure to give yourself time to walk away from the list, not thinking about it consciously at all. The most creative parts of your mind will be silently working on all that you’ve assembled, and you’ll be sur-prised by what you may originate. I look forward to seeing your words dance on the page.”

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Mr. Richard Moore, Chairman and Ideation Director of Richard Moore Associates company (right) gave key advice on the most important factor for a successful slogan

At the end of the event, Prof. Barney Glover AO shared: Can I begin by acknowledging Chairman Professor Nguyen Dong Phong, a great friend of WSU and an honorary doctor of our university, and President Thanh, it’s wonderful to see you and your colleagues. I’m very excited at the opportunity to speak briefly at this event this evening because it is a milestone moment for UEH to transition to a multidisciplinary & sustainable university committed to the principles of sustainability. As previous speakers have said, great universities in the world addressing the challenges we face need to be multidisciplinary, and I think this particular moment for UEH is highly significant as it broadens from economics & management where it’s like fine, internationally-recognized university to encompass new disciplines to address the great challenges of the 21st century, and that will be a hallmark of its success as a multidisciplinary and sustainable university into the future. The Times Higher Education (THE) rankings now provides us with an impact ranking, with a very detailed assessment of the commitment of universities around the world to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and. I believe UEH University will be recognized as one of the great contributors in our region to sustainability. So I congratulate the university on its 45th anniversary. It's a wonderful milestone in and of itself, a young university but at the same time, transitioning over the next 5 years to reach 50 years of age to be what I believe will be one of the most important multidisciplinary universities of our region. Western Sydney University looks forward to further partnerships with UEH university as we continue to share matching commons. We are one of the most highly rated universities in the world where our commitment to the UN’s SDGs is #17 in the world, so we are very committed to working closely with our friends UEH University and ISB as part of this great family into the future. They’re the hallmarks of a successful multi & sustainable university. Thank you.” 

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Prof. Barney Glover AO, the fourth Vice-Chancellor of Western Sydney University (the right) gave his congratulation to UEH 

The international launch event UEH Slogan Competition “For the Multi-disciplinary and Sustainable UEH University” concluded successfully with the participation of our honorary delegates, the National Creative Community and the International Creative Community. We hope that the international launch event has been helpful and productive in giving you greater insights into the competition and its respective rules. 

For more detail information about our competition here 

Contact information: Ms. Hanh An Le - UEH Marketing - Communication Office, [email protected]

News, photos: Department of Marketing and Communication