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UEH Partners

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With partners all over the world, UEH Exchange Programs and Activities give lecturers and scholars the opportunity to widen their exposure to worldly perspectives, challenging academic practices, as well as immerse themselves within a foreign tradition and culture. Click on the link below to learn more about how you can participate!

In recent years, social responsibility has increasingly become more prominent in a lot of businesses and organizations worldwide. According to a report done by Fortune magazine called Fortune 500, where it showcased a comprehensive list of the Top 500 Largest Companies in America, the number of corporations reporting on CSR has skyrocketed, from 20% to 85% in just 7 years (from 2011 - 2018). This data clearly emphasizes on the increasing significance that CSR plays in the development of companies, gradually going from a voluntary incentive to a corporate absolute-must.
On that note, it is imperative to name education as one of the many highly sought-after sectors in recent decades. Many businesses worldwide and in Vietnam have begun to more seriously invest in the learning and development of their own workforce, such as pouring resources into upgrading their learning facilities and infrastructure, incorporating a widespread model of education that would equip both their employees and the surrounding community with essential tools for growth. On top of that, organizations are also invested in providing stellar support to university management, designing realistic and real-world compatible curriculum to incentivize higher education research, along with training and grooming high-quality teaching staff and methodologies. 
With the interest of connecting the University to local government offices, scientists, organizations, businesses and the alumni association, UEH would like to extend a formal invitation to your participating in our "Community Building - Knowledge Sharing" Program to truly bring this project to life. 
cá cược thể thao hul city
To integrate training with pragmatic applications
  • Business Simulation (Internship/Apprenticeship)
  • Curriculum Development
  • UEH Curriculum Evaluation and Quality Assurance
  • Lecturing Partner
To develop research capacity, consult on practical applications, start-up - innovation - smart management 
  • Applied Research 
  • Industry Insights and Expert Consultation
  • UEH Curriculum Evaluation and Quality Assurance
  • Topical Seminars and Workshops Organization
To elevate and globalize the workforce
  • High-Quality Workforce
  • Career Advising
  • HR Training and Management
To connect on branding and marketing communications
  • Brand Management on Collaborative Efforts
  • Product and Service Introductory Seminars/Workshops
  • Partner's Brand Visibility on UEH Academic Spaces
  • HR Training and Management
To focus on sharing social responsibilities, including scholarship, career advising, academic space, etc.
  • Academic Sponsorship
  • Student Activities Sponsorship
  • Facility Sponsorship
  • Technology Sponsorshipp
  • HR Training and Management
UEH is proud to be a pioneer and valuable asset to enriching our community. With plans to groom our student body to become meaningful contributors to the society, we are hopeful that you would join us in our mission for sustainable growth and development.
At the moment, we have successfully established strong ties and connections with various key partners across different regions worldwide. Our partnerships are long-standing and always bring about fruitful endeavors. Check out our list of current partners and see if you would like to join us as well! 
For more information on how to sign up, follow this or reach out to us at [email protected]