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Graduation Ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City of The First Generation of New Graduates from UEH Vinh Long Campus: Degrees and Values Worthy of Efforts

Graduation Ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City of The First Generation of New Graduates from UEH Vinh Long Campus: Degrees and Values Worthy of Efforts

After nearly 4 years of striving to obtain strict output standards, the first generation of full-time students from the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City - Vinh Long Campus (UEH Vinh Long) officially graduated with a meaningful moment of receiving a degree at the traditional Hall A116, Nguyen Dinh Chieu Campus, District 3, HCMC.

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Graduation ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City of the first-generation graduates of full-time studies in UEH Vinh Long

Students born in 2002 of K46 are the first generation of full-time undergraduate students to be recruited by UEH Vinh Long Campus of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in the Mekong Delta region. 

Contrary to the common perception that "the training quality of local university branches is often not equal to the main campus", UEH strives to unify "One value - One degree - One brand" between the Campuses and the inherent reputation of UEH. This is reflected in the strict output standards of each subject, program, semester of study, and graduation requirements.

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UEH’s degree is identical at all campuses

Among the students graduating in March 2024, 100% of new graduates from UEH Vinh Long graduated with High Distinction, Distinction, and Good results. Besides, some students were not granted for graduation during this time. The main reason was that some students have not met graduation requirements yet, especially foreign language standards.

“The motto "On-the-spot understanding - Practicality - Quality assurance" has been consistent by the school in all training and teaching activities since the establishment of the local campus. We do appreciate the efforts of the new students at Vinh Long campus who graduated early this time. This is the first generation of high-quality human resources that the Campus provides to the Mekong Delta region. Besides, the school does not equate quantity and quality. Only students who meet the output standards will be considered for graduation. This is one of the ways to help UEH maintain its brand value and degree quality whether it is the main campus or local branches." – Associate Professor  Bui Quang Hung, Deputy Director of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City - UEH, Director of UEH Vinh Long said.

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Associate Professor Bui Quang Hung - Deputy Director of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City - UEH, Director of UEH Vinh Long - awarding degrees to new graduates

The first generation from UEH Vinh Long supplies the high-quality human resources of the Mekong Delta region

The new students who graduated with High Distinction and Distinction this time are in the fields of International Business, Accounting, Management, Banking, Agricultural Economics, and E-commerce. These fields are in high demand for human resources, consistent with the economic characteristics of agriculture, fishery, trade, and import-export of 13 provinces in the Mekong Delta region. 

Among them, the valedictorian majored in Agricultural Business, with an Excellent degree and a final average score of 9.25. These new "UEH standard" graduates from UEH Vinh Long have continued to work with the school to solve the problem of the low rate of high-quality labor in this area (The rate of high-quality labor in the Mekong Delta is only approximately 15% more than the national average of 24.5%).

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100% of new graduates of UEH Vinh Long K46 graduated in March 2024 with High Distinction, Distinction, Good results

More specifically, through a survey of post-graduation aspirations of the school, most new graduates of UEH Vinh Long want to work in the largest center of food, foodstuff, seafood, and fruit production and export in the country. Among them, some students already found a job even before receiving their degree.

“When I started my study journey at UEH Vinh Long, I cherished the dream of contributing and building a career in my hometown of Dong Thap and the Mekong Delta region. I desire to contribute to the development of my homeland by taking advantage of the knowledge and skills I have accumulated. I am happier when I have the honor of becoming a member of the UEH Vinh Long family through the program "Find good colleagues, find enthusiastic teachers". I believe that by working at the school, I can continue to study and contribute to human resource training, contributing to exploiting and making better use of the potential of the Mekong Delta in the future, where there are many benefits in terms of natural resources and geographical location.” – shared by new graduate Thai Thuy Tien, majoring in Economics - Agricultural Business, in Economics.

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New graduate Thai Thuy Tien, majoring in Economics - Agricultural Business, receiving her degree

Degrees and values worthy of "special" efforts

With moderate admission scores, more than anyone else, the new UEH Vinh Long students who graduated early this time have had to try every day to become better versions through diverse learning and training experiences, especially through challenges. 

It can be stated that this generation of K46 students at UEH, in general, and UEH Vinh Long, in particular, is very special as they have overcome difficulties with the school and become familiar with the form of online learning and examinations, which is unprecedented because of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The geographical distance between lecturers and students and the interrupted semesters due to social distancing required the students to highly focus in addition to operational efforts from the school. 

This is also the group of students who witnessed the history of UEH as the school was officially recognized as one of the seven multi-disciplinary universities in the country. They are the generation that is clearly aware of the role and responsibility of a pioneering human resource of a key University. This is shown through excellent degrees and upcoming ambitions for the future. 

With those efforts, the new graduates of UEH Vinh Long proudly stood in front of historical hall A116, Nguyen Dinh Chieu campus, Ho Chi Minh City - a place that witnessed more than 240,000 students of UEH generations graduating and receiving their full-time Bachelor's degrees under the brand of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. 

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New graduates of UEH K46 - Vinh Long Campus - taking some photos with lecturers and staff at Traditional Hall A116

Organizing a formal Graduation Ceremony in this hall for new full-time graduates of UEH Vinh Long is a way for the school to show its appreciation for all the serious and persistent efforts of the learners. Once a degree was awarded under the name of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, this is an endorsement and a belief in the value, quality, and spirit of constant efforts of the generations called UEHer - regardless of place, level, and mode of study. 

“Today I went to Saigon to attend the graduation ceremony organized very solemnly by UEH University. I, as a parent, am nothing but excited. Although it has only been 5 years since the establishment of UEH Vinh Long, I realize that this is a reliable learning place for my children. My child chose this university and after 3 years he has improved and gained certain knowledge to prepare for life. ” – remarked the parent of Le Xuan Quynh, Bachelor in Accounting, UEH Vinh Long.

Video summarizing graduation moments of UEH Vinh Long

News and photos: Department of Marketing and Communication, UEH Vinh Long Campus