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Law Report Series on "Improving skills in preventing and combating drug abuse, prostitution, human trafficking and other crimes" for UEH students in 2023

Law Report Series on "Improving skills in preventing and combating drug abuse, prostitution, human trafficking and other crimes" for UEH students in 2023

With the purpose of equipping students with general knowledge and skills on preventing and combating prostitution, drugs, and human trafficking for students at UEH, on the morning of December 2, 2023, at Hall B1.302, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong Campus, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City organized a law report session namely "Some contents on preventing drug abuse, prostitution, human trafficking and other crimes.”

Attending the thematic report session was Mr. Nguyen Van Duong - Head of Department of Student Affairs; Major Vo Ngoc Toan - Lecturer of People's Security University who is the reporter of the program, along with more than 300 students of all modes and levels at UEH.

At the report session, students of all levels were provided with general knowledge by the lecturers and reporter about preventing and combating prostitution, drugs and human trafficking in the new situation; the causes and harmful effects of prostitution, drug addiction and the support for students if they accidentally became victims of these crimes. In addition, the reporter guided the students in consulting and propaganda skills on preventing and combating drug abuse, prostitution and human trafficking for their relatives and families.

In addition to these information, the reporter illustrated some real-life evidence. Practical issues through current news made it easier for students to visualize and raise their awareness and precautions. Mr. Toan emphasized that many forms of legal regulations were proposed; however, the law still had many loopholes, making it easier for circumvention to occur; therefore, students must be more alert and attentive.


Interwoven in the thematic report session, students and reporters exchanged and discussed issues related to the prevention and control of prostitution, human trafficking and new points of the Law on Drug Prevention and Control in 2021. Students' difficulties and problems were directly answered, discussed, and resolved by the reporter with the emphasis on issues that need attention and noting during the circumvention process of propaganda and consulting regarding preventing and combating human trafficking to their relatives and families.

Through this law report series, UEH gradually raised awareness and equipped its students with skills to prevent and combat prostitution, drugs, human trafficking and other crimes, thereby contributing to stabilizing the security at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.

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The program helped students learn more about dangerous substances listed as drugs and their signs, as well as how to prevent them with practical examples.

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Not being shy, but freely sharing about problems and questions, the students bravely asked and were answered very carefully by the reporter.

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In order to help students develop more and more skills in life and study, the Department of Student Affairs will try to organize more practical topics directly related to everyday life. Studying every day helps students make progress and develop comprehensively. At the same time, during the process of studying and working at UEH, if they encounter difficulties, they can immediately contact the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) for timely advice and support.

Information regarding the series will be updated regularly on the Fanpage and Website of the Department of Student Affairs (DSA).

News, photos: UEH Department of Student Affairs