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UEH News

Highlights of the November journey at UEH English Zone

Highlights of the November journey at UEH English Zone

Preparing to bid farewell to this year, let's take a moment with English Zone to look back at those thrilling activities which took place in the past month. November, the transition period of the new year, has provided us numerous opportunities to learn, connect and celebrate good values through EZ Talks and Boardgames, as well as other inspiring Club activities at B2 English Zone.

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Cultural Appropriation, how is it in Vietnam?

Cultural Appropriation, how is it in Vietnam?

In the current age of technology, some people may adopt a style from another culture without hesitation, yet the group from whom the style came may have had historical events that render the person's behavior insensitive to the group's experiences, both past and present. The phrase "Cultural Appropriation" has since been discussed more in international forums. Let's find out through this article with the Department of Student Affairs (DSA).

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Students of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City excellently awarded at the 2023 Science and Technology Awards for students in higher education institutions

Students of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City excellently awarded at the 2023 Science and Technology Awards for students in higher education institutions

On the afternoon of November 10, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam Associations of Science and Technology, Central Communist Youth Union Ho Chi Minh City in collaboration with Da Nang University organized a closing and science and technology awarding ceremony to students in higher education institutions.

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Announcement Ceremony of the Prime Minister's Decision to Transform University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

Announcement Ceremony of the Prime Minister's Decision to Transform University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

On November 18, 2023, the "Announcement Ceremony of the Prime Minister's Decision to Transform University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City" officially took place, marking a new milestone in the history of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) and the Vietnamese education. Thereby, UEH is ready for a new journey - pioneering in education and research in all fields, contributing to the sustainable development of society and the country.

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"Proud of UEH MV" Project - Echoing the pride of youth, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH)

"Proud of UEH MV" Project - Echoing the pride of youth, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH)

To welcome to the new journey of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) - a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, blending with the grateful atmosphere of celebrating the 41st anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day (November 20, 1982 - November 20, 2023), the project "Proud of UEH" with the participation of 1,000 students at UEH campuses was officially launched on November 18, 2023. This was the affirmation of UEH Youth - ready to pioneer and accompany the University to create sustainable future values.

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Promoting Learner Autonomy in English Language Learning (Part 1)

Promoting Learner Autonomy in English Language Learning (Part 1)

The idea of student autonomy has gained significant traction in the modern era with the introduction of eLearning on LMS, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic when educational institutions must switch to online learning. The development of learner autonomy strategies would be beneficial in an EFL environment like Vietnam where students depend heavily on teachers.

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Climate risk is financial risk: Coping capacities and financial development

Climate risk is financial risk: Coping capacities and financial development

According to the report of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2023, there are approximately 3.3 to 3.6 billion people suffering from severe threats of climate changes’ consequences (such as storms, heatwaves, earthquakes). From financial perspectives, there have been lively discussion and broad agreement indicating that climate risk is closely associated with financial risk. This article aims to explore whether climate risks matter for the development of financial systems using a global sample of 130 countries worldwide. To fulfill this objective, the authors employ a new database which covers various facets of financial development. Notably, this article shows the heterogeneity in the effects of the capability to cope with natural hazards on the development of financial systems.

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The 4th SOB Research Seminar 2023: “Qualitative methods in business research”

The 4th SOB Research Seminar 2023: “Qualitative methods in business research”

On the afternoon of November 10, 2023, the School of Banking of UEH College of Business organized the 4th Seminar (SRS2023) on the topic: "Qualitative methods in business research", featuring a presentation by the keynote speaker, Pro. Dr. Desmond Doran.

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University Day Series: "Letter To Future Generations" Campaign - Sending Wishes to Welcome UEH's New Journey

University Day Series: "Letter To Future Generations" Campaign - Sending Wishes to Welcome UEH's New Journey

Welcoming the new journey of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) - a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, the "Letter to Future Generations" campaign officially launched for the UEHers community to together send moments of love, good wishes, and determination for a new future of UEH!

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