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Shaping 'Responsible Travel' with Tourism Businesses

Shaping 'Responsible Travel' with Tourism Businesses

[Saigon Marketing] “Although tourism is referred to as a 'smokeless industry', it is harmful for the natural environment. Garbage, noise, negative impacts on local cultures are factors primarily leading to environmental destruction and disruption of local community life", remarked Mr. Duong Ngoc Thang - Lecturer of the School of Tourism, UEH College of Business when mentioning the negatives of tourism, at the seminar 'Finding the Shape of Responsible Travel in Tourism Businesses'.

Recognizing the possible negative impacts of tourism, taking action to minimize them is necessary. At the seminar "Finding the Shape of Responsible Travel in Tourism Businesses" taking place at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) on March 9, 2024, guests involved in discussions and sharing perspectives on performing responsibility for tourism today.

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The seminar "Finding the Shape of Responsible Travel in Tourism Businesses" was held at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City on the morning of March 9, 2024. Photo: Gia Nghi

Some opinions say that practicing responsible travel contributes to protecting the environment and human culture as well as is also an important factor in shaping and enhancing the reputation of tourism businesses. However, there are many challenges surrounding the implementation of responsible travel, making many businesses hesitant.

This is easily comprehensible, according to Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Toan - Director of Image Travel & Events Company, member of the Safe Destination Initiative: "The improper understanding of responsible travel, as well as blaming the responsibility on the government is the major issue that makes many travel businesses afraid. The lack of understanding results in no action taken since no one thinks that they are involved. The mindset that this is something that the government must do first and then businesses will follow also results in no one performing it."

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Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Toan - Director of Image Travel & Events Company - presenting at the seminar on the morning of March 9

Mr. Toan added that awareness of responsible travel among domestic tourists is not high; therefore, the pressure is not significant. Some charitable activities, although not representing responsible travel, are enough to satisfy tourists.

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A young participant sharing his viewpoint at the seminar. Photo: Gia Nghi

At the seminar, guests and speakers together evaluated and shaped "responsible travel" in the world and in Vietnam. According to Dr. Doan Duc Minh - Vice Dean of the School of Tourism, UEH College of Business: "Sustainable tourism not only take advantage of the environment and local culture but also promotes regeneration. Things like collecting trash and planting trees are just small actions in a chain of sustainable tourism activities that include building, using, and regenerating. Responsible travel must be both building, using and regenerating.”

Involving in taking actions showing responsibility for tourism not only needs to be performed by tourism agencies but also by tourists, Dr. Doan Duc Minh added.

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Dr. Doan Duc Minh - Vice Dean of the School of Tourism, UEH College of Business - discussing at the seminar. Photo: Gia Nghi

Representing the WAFORT responsible travel community - the organizer of the seminar, Mr. Hoang Trong Quyen stated: "Comprehensive strategies to achieve sustainable goals are based on policies, strategies, and management tactics and financial potential to implement sustainable travel. Responsible travel includes responsible agencies, responsible destinations, and responsible tourists.

Revolving around the story of responsible travel, tourism organizers and experts also mentioned the issue of widespread communication. “Many people think that collecting trash is not their duty and should be conducted by environmental sanitation teams, then they have no responsibility to do it. Even if trash is collected, it has yet to be enough and it's a waste of time. However, although the amount of trash collected is not much, this action has the power to communicate and change perceptions, making it more meaningful to those who see it. At least they will no longer litter," one guest shared his opinion at the discussion.

Also talking about this, Mr. Vo Hong Van - Member of the Editorial Board of Saigon Economic Magazine - also discussed the role of the media in responsible tourism. According to him, media plays an important role in spreading the messages and values ​​that responsible travel benefits not only tourists and travel companies but also destinations and local communities.

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Mr. Vo Hong Van - Member of the Editorial Board of Saigon Economic Magazine discussing the role of the media in responsible travel at the seminar.

“If green and responsible actions are communicated and connected, they will spread better to the community. Doing this not only enhances the reputation of the organizing unit but also shapes readers' minds, helping them better know and understand the unit," said Mr. Vo Hong Van. 

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The seminar had the participation of businesses and tourism researchers, and attracted many young people and students from universities in the city. Photo: Gia Nghi

From the perspective of a travel business, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Toan, Director of Image Travel & Events remarked that businesses need to meet the requirements of "responsible travel" on all three aspects of sustainable impacts, including economics, environment, and society.

In addition to sharing and discussion, the seminar also organized exchange activities in many different forms, especially "forum theater". This was a show addressing issues related to responsible travel through unexpected situations. The actors led and moderated the situations, and the audience was encouraged to participate and contribute to the play, and offer solutions for each situation.

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Forum theater at the seminar: "Finding the Shape of Responsible Travel in Tourism Businesses". Photo: Gia Nghi

The seminar "Finding the Shape of Responsible Travel in Tourism Businesses" was held at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City on March 9, 2024, coordinated by the School of Tourism, UEH College of Business, the WAFORT Responsible Travel Community and the Safe Destinations Initiative program. The seminar had the participation of tourism businesses and researchers and attracted many young students from Universities in Ho Chi Minh City.

Source: Saigon Marketing