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UEH Policies

UEH International Publication Guidelines
  • 17 Dec 2020
  • 2020

UEH International Publication Guidelines



Pursuant to Decision No. 3846/QyĐ-ĐHKT-QLKH, dated on December 12th, 2017 and adopted by the UEH President, regarding the International Publication Research Fund;

Pursuant to Guidance No. 891/HD-ĐHKT-QLKHHTQT, dated on May 14th, 2020, regarding accreditation and sponsorship for international publications 2020;

Pursuant to the Meeting Notes No. 42/BB-ĐHKT-QLKHHTQT, dated on December 7th, 2020, regarding new scientific research and international publication directions 2020;

Pursuant to the actual situation arising in the administration of academic research and international publication at UEH;


The guideline for international publication sponsorship at UEH in 2021 is as follows:

  1. Objectives:
    1. To improve the quality and increase the quantity of international publications at UEH
    2. To encourage and boost scientific research capabilities at UEH
    3. To strengthen both local and international scientific research network
    4. To elevate UEH’s academic reputation to promote UEH’s overall university rankings
  1. Scope and Targeted Subjects:
    1. Scope:

Academic Research Articles/Papers defined in this Guideline are articles that have been recognized and accredited by reputable international databases within ISI (SSCI, AHCI, SCIE, ESCI), Scopus and ABDC (Rank B or above)

This Guideline is not applicable to publications in non-reputable databases or journals listed in Beall’s List[1] (Predatory Publishers/Predatory Journals). For any controversial databases/journals mentioned by Beall but not yet listed in Beall’s List, the sponsorship / bonus application will be forward to the Sponsorship/Bonus Review Committee for further evaluation and proceedings.

UEH will not consider sponsorship/bonus for the following cases: Commercial Articles; Articles published in Conference Proceedings; Book Chapters/Series that are not within Section 4, Article A of this Guideline; Data Script/Data Article/Data Paper; Writer’s Viewpoint; Review/Commentary; Editorial; Letter to Editor; Note; Short Surveys; etc.

This Guideline is not applicable to any scientific studies unrelated to the concentration in which UEH is researching and training.

  1. Targeted Subjects:

Targeted Subjected include (1) UEH Officials; (2) UEH Students (including: undergraduate & graduate students, researchers currently pursuing UEH-certified or UEH-affiliated exchange programs); (3) Research Fellowship; and (4) UEH Alumni (students, researchers), in which, all the above UEH-affiliated subjects have authored publications that are in alignment with the scope of sponsorship defined in this Guideline.

In the event that the author is a UEH Student or collaborative-researcher or UEH Alumni (students & researchers), the University will only evaluate for sponsorship and bonus if the international publication is listed under UEH and is co-authored by a UEH Officials.

  1. Guidelines for implementation:
    1. Sponsorship/Funding:

In order to be considered for funding, UEH would like to instruct that all targeted subjects follow the below requirements:

  • Author (or representative of the author group) is to send a formal abstract for each scientific paper likely to be submitted to the Department of Research Management and International Relations for further evaluation. All approved abstracts will serve as the basis for official funding once the journal has been published.
  • In the international publication, UEH-affiliated authors must provide the following exact information: “University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
    • This research is funded by University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam” in the event that the author is expected to receive full sponsorship from UEH;
    • "This research is partially funded by University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam” in the event that the author is expected to receive partial sponsorship from UEH.
  • In the international publication, author must use the emails provided by UEH and include ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) in the Author’s Biography in the Title Page. Any UEH-affiliated researchers that are not UEH Officials are not compelled to use UEH-provided emails.
  • After the paper has been published online and given a DOI, the author must forward all relevant information from the publication to the Department of Research Management and International Relations.
  • All authors must update all newly-published articles onto their Google Scholar Profiles and Research Gate.
  1. Bonus:

Any article receiving external sponsorship besides UEH, not registering a formal abstract, or not considered for funding according to Section 3, Article A is eligible for UEH bonus evaluation. UEH would like to instruct that all targeted subjected follow the below requirements:

  • After the paper has been published online and given a DOI, the author must forward all relevant information from the publication to the Department of Research Management and International Relations.
  • All authors must update all newly-published articles onto their Google Scholar Profiles and Research Gate.
  1. Sponsorship and Bonus Limit:
For more information, please contact UEH Department of Research Management - International Relations via email or phone us at (+84) 28 38 29 56 03


This Guideline is updated, adjusted and superseded by Guideline No. 891/HD-ĐHKT-QLKHHTQT, dated on May 14th, 2020, regarding the regarding accreditation and sponsorship for international publications 2020.

This Guideline shall be in effective from January 01st, 2021. Any and all international publications submitted prior to January 01st, 2021 shall be considered for funding in accordance to the previous Guideline(s).

Please contact the Research Administration and International Relations Department for more information. Exceptional cases that are not included under this Guideline will be considered for sponsorship separately.

Signed by Professor Su Dinh Thanh

[1] Website: //beallslist.net