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Partnerships on the Horizon: UEH and Washington State Delegation Explore Collaborative Opportunities for Sustainable Growth and Development

Partnerships on the Horizon: UEH and Washington State Delegation Explore Collaborative Opportunities for Sustainable Growth and Development

In a historic gathering of minds, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) welcomed the distinguished delegation from Washington State, USA. The meeting, held on April 12, 2024, marked the beginning of an exploration of potential collaborations between the two regions in entrepreneurship, innovation, and societal impact

Attending the meeting, from the Washington State Delegation, UEH welcomed Professor Daniel Grossman - Vice Director Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington; Nicole Gunkle - International Trade Specialist Office of Economic Development and Competitiveness; Joseph Williams - ICT Sector Lead from the WA State Department of Commerce; Mel Clark - President and CEO, Cleantech Alliance; Pham Thi Thanh Thao - Country Manager and Iris Nguyen - Trade Consultant from Orissa International.

Respectively, the UEH delegation included Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Vice President of UEH; Assoc.Prof. Trinh Thuy Anh - Vice Rector of UEH College of Technology and Design (UEH-CTD); lectures and leaders of Departments and Divisions under UEH.

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The meeting set in motion a significant milestone in the journey of collaboration and innovation between UEH and Washington State, fostering educational partnerships, industry relations and cultural exchanges for the betterment of society. High-ranking officials and representatives from both UEH and the WA State Delegation engaged in robust and lively conversations, showcasing mutual commitment to exploring new avenues for cooperation and understanding.

Commencing the meeting, Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Vice President of UEH, delivered a heartfelt welcome speech, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to host the esteemed delegation. Vice President Khai emphasized the importance of collaboration between academia and industry in driving positive change and innovation; most notably UEH’s own efforts in integrating technology into the daily workforce, including the establishment of the College of Technology and Design and its affiliated units such as the Institute of Innovation or the Institute of Intelligent and Interactive Technologies, both of which have rapidly gained recognitions nationwide and around the world.

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Next, Professor Dan Grossman, Vice Director of the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, took the stage to share insights from his institution. Prof. Grossman highlighted the role of technology and innovation in shaping the future and stressed the need for cross-sector and cross-border collaboration to address global challenges. Representing the shared sentiments of the delegation, Prof. Grossman commended UEH on its quick adaptability and ability to promptly integrate technology into the university’s day-to-day.

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The keynote presentation was delivered by Mr. Kevin Vuong, Manager of the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Program at the Institute of Innovation of UEH. Mr. Vuong outlined UEH's initiatives in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, showcasing the potential for collaboration with Washington State in these areas: Research and Development Commercialization; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurial Programs; Education and Training; Community Engagement; Hackathons and Startup Incubators;…

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Following the presentations, delegates engaged in a lively discussion on how industries and universities can work together to foster positive, meaningful, and impactful results on society. Topics included the role of academia in addressing societal challenges, the importance of industry-academia partnerships, and potential areas of collaboration between UEH and different sectors within Washington State.

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As the discussion drew to a close, participants expressed optimism about the potential for collaboration between UEH and Washington State. Both parties committed to further exploring opportunities for partnership and pledged to work towards shared goals of innovation and societal impact.

To mark the special occasion, UEH presented the Washington State Delegation with a unique and thoughtful gift. Handcrafted by UEH students, courtesy of the School of Media Design, the gift exemplified the university's dedication to promoting artistry and creativity among its students.

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In his closing remarks, Vice President Khai reiterated UEH's commitment to collaboration and expressed gratitude to the Washington State delegation for their visit. With the foundation laid for future collaboration, the meeting concluded on a note of excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead.

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Other photos from the meeting:

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News, photos: Department of Marketing - Cmmunication, Department of Research, Development and Global Engagement