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UNIVERSITY ADMISSION 2024: The First Intensive Undergraduate ArtTech Program in Vietnam

UNIVERSITY ADMISSION 2024: The First Intensive Undergraduate ArtTech Program in Vietnam

ArtTech - the intersection of Art and Technology, which combines the knowledge of artists and engineers to create creative works, is predicted to become a strong growing trend in many fields including education, entertainment, event communication, marketing, creative industry, exhibitions, performances... Catching up with future trends, in 2024, University of Economics (UEH) Ho Chi Minh City officially implements an undergraduate program in ArtTech. This is also the first time an intensive ArtTech program has been offered by a university in Vietnam.

5.0 Era - the era of a super smart society is what will happen, and the timeline is determined very closely, 2035 or possibly earlier. "The rise of super technologies" - "Improving interaction between humans and machines" - "Putting people at the center" are the "hot" keywords when referring to this period. 

“Keeping pace with the times, UEH believes that more than ever, Managers and Leaders in Business, Economics, Law, Government, Data, and Communications need to understand and know how to apply Computers and Technology to expertise and operations. Therefore, with the view that "Computers and Technology cannot go alone but need to be linked with different fields in the direction of application to achieve optimal resource efficiency", in recent years, UEH has begun to develop new disciplines according to this direction. To date, UEH has implemented 18 programs (out of 56 programs) to stay ahead of these trends. Among them, ArtTech and Intelligent Control and Automation are the two newest programs, surpassing our inherently rigorous quality processes, and are officially included in the admission season 2024" - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Deputy Director of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) - asserted.

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ArtTech – How to understand it correctly? 

“In the current context, ArtTech acts as an important intersection between artistic creativity and technological progress. History shows that pioneering innovators with radical visions like Nam June Paik, with groundbreaking innovations in the field of video art, predicted this ArtTech integration. Or Steve Jobs affirmed that the pinnacle of technological progress lies in the intersection with art" - Dr. Dong Su Yi - Vice Dean of the School of Media Design, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) (Former Global Creative Director of Ogilvy & Mather) shared. ArtTech is a combination of Art and Technology to create unique interactive art experiences, including digital art, multimedia design, Airtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), NFT, Robot Arts, Virtual Human, Interactive Art, Real-time Graphics, Generative Art, Transmedia art, Time-based art, etc. 

ArtTech training is all about the incorporation of Technology into Art, using the knowledge of artists and engineers to create creative works. Accordingly, traditional media such as painting, sculpture, and traditional music are integrated into digital technology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other advanced technologies to invent unique and sophisticated experiences. Art and Technology expand the limits of traditional art, creating groundbreaking innovations that are practically applied in fields of education, entertainment, event media, marketing, creative industries., exhibitions, and performances.

In fact, the history of ArtTech has appeared for a long time in the world. It started with early names as Arts and Technology or Interactive media, Interactive design, etc. The above programs have been offered at MIT, New York University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tsinghua University, and especially in Asian developed countries using technology to serve outstanding arts, Korea, China, Japan, etc.

Pioneering intensive ArtTech training in Vietnamese higher education

Realizing the world's development trend, UEH has pioneered research and officially introduced the ArtTech program in 2024 with the desire to create a team that can combine conventional and new knowledge to invent art or design products providing a more interactive user experience.

UEH's ArtTech program is designed by reference to more than 30 leading universities in the world such as MIT, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ArtEZ, New York University, etc. The special feature of the ArtTech program at UEH lies in its outstanding content including Transmedia design, Cinematography, Interactive design, Art of artificial intelligence, etc. These are special subjects that provide in-depth knowledge for learners. At the same time, the program includes psychology and user behavior for learners to grasp and create the most effective and practical products. Right in the classrooms and simulation laboratories, students have the opportunity to experience the application of technologies: Artificial intelligence, Big data, computer graphics, visual effects, and cinematography. With its strong brand, UEH also promotes links with prestigious universities around the world to help students exchange from the second year to Germany, Australia, Korea, Macau, Portugal, and Italy. During their studies, students will be allowed to participate in practical activities with AR, VR, XR, and AI businesses and communities.

Opportunities to grasp the future for Gen Z, who loves technology and art

More than 40 years ago, when people used the manual hand-drawing method as the first exploratory thinking step before creating products to serve their lives, software design companies seized the opportunity to introduce their products like Photoshop and Adobe Illus, leading to the launch of other products about comics, production packaging, movies, etc. The art revolution ignited a new era with new terms born: VFX, Digital Art, etc. And, artists have gradually recognized machine-drawing products to replace the use of traditional hand-drawing art. 

We are being in a transitioning era of artificial intelligence. AI is currently the tool for humans to revolutionize If we know how to use and promote it, AI Art will make our lives better. However, to view AI as a tool to serve and support us in the thinking stage, we need to have the right mindset and rigorous knowledge to be able to select and create products with our identity. Therefore, the ArtTech program will help learners become pioneers with creative thinking in both fields of technology and design.

UEH surveyed more than 100 businesses in the fields of marketing, advertising, event organization, art performance organization, design, and communication, and captured the very high demand for human resources in this area. The ArtTech program provides the market with experts in the following positions:

1. Creative & Design Industry:

  • Computer graphics/CG, 2D/3D animation
  • VFX Visual Artist on Game, Film & Television.
  • UI/UX Design
  • Data Visualization
  • Information Design/ Digital design
  • Interactive Media Design

2. Media & Entertainment Industry

  • Creative in Advertising & Marketing, Creative Agencies
  • Interactive Design
  • Graphic & Web Design
  • Event Design/ Corporate, Event Plan
  • Brand Experience Design/ Digital Media Design
  • Public Relations

3. Event, Exhibition & Performance Industry:

  • MICE Coordinator/Producer
  • Artistic Director/Producer
  • Immersive Spatial Design
  • Set Design
  • Event Technology Design

Graduates can continue with graduate studies in the fields of Technology, Art, and Design.

It can be said that the pioneering introduction of the ArtTech program at UEH not only meets the world’s trends but is also UEH’s effort to bring the best values ​​to its learners, helping them be ready for their future in today's digital era.

News and photos: UEH School of Media Design, Department of Marketing and Communication